Room assignement

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(Kathleen : So, the change I made is that I noticed I got Perceus and Juro's name wrong while writing. Juro is Killer and Perceus is Outer for those who forgot. So, the NS version of Outer and Blue are sharing a room)


The Sanses are worrying about what Jill and Kathleen could be planning, some being more on edge than others.

Kathleen : I am back ! Jill is going to begin the rooms rearrangement. Do you want me to begin by saying who keep a room for themself ?

They all nod.

Kathleen : Shesh, fine. So the lucky ones are : Abyss, Bill, Breeze, Chomp, Chrome, Clear, Color, Dream, Error, 404, Farmer, Fleek, Fresh, G, Glare, Halluciv, Juro, Myriad, Paralysis, Phoenix, Scarlet, Vast, Xcellence, Xeno, Zero. I will precise that I had my doubt for a bit, for some of you, though.

The ones who were called out just have a sigh of relief, while the ones whose name wasn't called all pray they won't have to share rooms with someone they don't like.

Kathleen : Ok, so I will go about it, saying for the version, ok ? Let's begin by the differents "Swap". Black and Ras will share their room, since I can trust them on cooexisting without trying to kill one another.

They nod.

Kathleen : On the same note, I think Wine and Red would not have the hardest time being in the same room. Would that be fine though ?

Red : ... I guess I can do it.

Wine : Don't worry, it will be alright.

Kathleen : Thank you two. Blue will share his room with Cobalt. You two are really similar, so I think there won't be any problem here either.

Cobalt, Blue : You can trust us !

Kathleen : Swap, you are sharing with Paint.

Meme squad : RIP Paint...

Phoenix : I don't thin this is a good idea.

Kathleen : It is.

Swap : Oh, don't be jealous.

Paint is visibly stressed.

Kathleen : I will precise something, Paint. I put you in the same room as Swap, because you aren't the only one hiding things.

She smiles while Swap freezes and glares at her.

Kathleen : So, you two will gain some blackmail material over each other.

Paint visibly calms down but he gives a look at Swap, like he is trying to guess what is the problem.

Kathleen : Anyway, let's go on the last version of Blue... Slate and Perceus will share the same room. You two seems to be friends, after all.

Juro : You are willing to trust them in the same room ?

Kathleen : Yes.

Perceus, Slate : We will be good.

Nobody seems to trust that.

Kathleen : Outer and Classic, would that be alright for you to sleep in the same room ?

Classic, Outer : Of course.

Kathleen : Ccino and Science, would that be possible to share ?

Ccino : I don't see a problem.

Science : Same.

The relief on their face is really easy to spot.

Kathleen : ... Error, can you get ready to tie up someone for me, please ?

Error : Ok ?

Kathleen : Great. Frappe and Nightlight will share the same room, since they are dating !

Error ties up Paralysis and Marvul goes behind his alternate to knock him up.

Marvul : He has no right to complain. I am dragging him to his room, so wait before giving my roommate !

Kathleen : Ok !

He leaves with Paralysis over his shoulder.

Kathleen : Well, let's continue. ... All the different Geno will share their room with their Reaper~

Geno, Harvest : No !!

Ceno : Oh yeah, I used to be like that.

Errosion : Is that a joke ? Now you are the one flirting around with me !

Ceno : Everything changes, honey~

The tsundere got trapped in the embrace of their flirtaous boyfriend.

Kathleen : Great, let's continue then. Since I done Paint earlier, let's do the others Inks too.

The Inks who were on edge since earlier flinch.

Kathleen : Eraser and Reboot being married, they will sleep together, and I will make myself clear, Eraser.

He jolts.

Kathleen : If I see Reboot unable to walk more than once a week, I will change the room and put you with Marvul. Capiche ?

Eraser : Sir, yes Sir !

Marvul : What about me ?

Kathleen : Great timing, Marvul. Since you were already taking care of Chronicle and his narcolepsia, I was hoping you could share your room with him. Please ?

Marvul : Hm ? Ok, he is not a bother anyway.

Kathleen : Thank you. Pale and Template will share, since they are ok with each other. As for Ink, you will share with Gin, don't worry.

Ink has a sigh of relief.

Gin : ... Is the reason we share room...

Kathleen : Yes. You are the only one who knows about it, so it was never an option.

Everyone exchange look to know what it could mean, and stare especially at the Ink who either looks away or shrugs.

Kathleen : Halo and Star will sleep together, since with the Swapverse twins, they are the only one who don't try to actively kill each other !

They give a judmental look to their alternates.

Kathleen : Also, I remember that Filter and Glamour see each other as siblings, so coudl you...

Filter : Of course, I don't see a problem.

Glamour : It's alright.

Fleek : Mind if I crash in, from time to time ?

Glamour, Filter : Of course not.

Kathleen : Horror and Dust will also be sharing the same room... Of course, yours will be next to Nightmare's one~

Nightmare smiles at them in a creepy way to get them understanding they better behave.

Kathleen : Onto the Nightmare. Since I saw Illusion and Robin were already sleeping together, even here, I decided to move you in the same room.

Phoenix : Why are you sleeping together ?

Meme Squad, Kathleen : You are the one to blame, so shut up.

Kathleen : And Nightmare will sleep with Killer. I originally wanted Killer to be with Color but...

Nightmare grabbed Killer and begin to hiss at Color.

Kathleen : ... This would prove to be complicated.

Killer : Indeed.

He kisses Nightmare's cheek and whisper to him, making the angry octopus calm down.

Kathleen : Target and Koda will share rooms, same for Cross and Epic.

Cross : Dude !

Epic : Bruh !

Kathleen : So Envy and Lust will share the same room.

Lust : I hope we will get along.

Envy : ... It shouldn't be too hard, as long as you don't mention Grillby.

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