chapter two

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Closing the door behind me, I head straight to where I had previously abandoned my phone on the bed, connecting it to the Bluetooth speakers in my room. Selecting a random Paramore playlist, holding the volume button down until the music is blaring out as loud as possible, I throw my phone back down before making my way to the bathroom. 

My room was like 98% soundproof so I wasn't really bothered as to the others being disrupted by it. The loud music helps push the static out and allows me to focus better, both on missions and just doing regular tasks. Tony had even designed special headphones for me that don't fall out whilst in combat with built in comms so I'm not completely oblivious to how the rest of the team are.

Running the shower on hot and chucking off the t-shirt I slept in as well as my shorts into the washing basket, I eye myself in the mirror hanging on the wall. I wasn't the slimmest person in the world, but you can see where I was toned and muscled from training nonstop for the last 6 months. Faint white scars pepper my skin, some reminders of my time with Hydra, others reminders of the pain of my childhood. I turn away, shoving the intrusive thoughts from my head. 

You'd think at nearly 21 I would've gotten past my lifelong body dysmorphia, and yet I still couldn't stand to look at myself for longer than a minute. 

Since I was training afterwards I decided not to wash my hair now, throwing it up in a bun before jumping in the shower, the water burning my skin as I cleanse my body of the sweat and alcohol from last night. After I've scrubbed my body, I turn the water temperature to cold, lifting my head to allow the water to hit my face in an attempt to wake myself up a bit more, and get my head a bit more focused.

I had a bad vibe about today. I've struggled with my mental health since a young age, I really didn't have the best of luck regarding parents, and then being kidnapped and experimented on for a year and a half really put the icing on the cake. 

Feeling the icy water cascade down my face, I try to focus on the music I can hear from the other room as blurry memories of being strapped to a chair and beaten flash through my head. My hand reaching out to steady myself against the cool tile of the shower seems to ground me slightly, giving me the opportunity to switch off the shower and step out, wrapping the stark branded towel I had left on the side around me. 

*Stark and his ego* 

After drying off and changing into black sports leggings, a y/f/c sports bra and some trainers, I disconnect my phone from the speakers and connect them to the headphones tony designed, placing the buds in my ears. I pick an upbeat playlist, turning the volume up as loud as they'll go, trying to stimulate any ounce of serotonin in my brain. 

I shut my eyes, spreading the indigo energy through my body as I visualise the running track in my head, feeling the familiar pull of my body being teleported and then the wind tickling my hair into my face. Pushing forward, I run about 50 laps full speed to warm myself up, before speeding back to the tower, making my way to the training floor.

I go straight to the room Nat and Steve had put together for me. The floor was lined with foam, firm enough to stand solidly on the ground but soft enough to not hurt if I fall down. A punching bag hung on the left of the room, beside a row of targets that get increasingly harder as you move along. On the other side of the room an assortment of items varying in size and weight lay piled together, ready for me to practice strengthening my telekinesis power. The wall straight in front of my lined with every weapon you could possibly think of; guns, knives, swords, batons, bows and arrows, you name it. The rest of the room was spacious, leaving room for sparring practice.

Since I was training alone today, I move to the punching bag, wrapping my hands with tape before starting to pummel the swinging bag. I focus on keeping my feet light as I practice my uppercuts and hooks, making sure I'm swinging my hips into the punch to create more strength. After around an hour on the bags, my knuckles start to ache so I take a step back, bending and resting my hands on my knees as I try to slow my ragged breathing. 

Having recovered my breathe, I turn and examine the room once again, contemplating what to do next. My eyes come to rest on the whiteboard hung on the back of the door. Nat had the idea to make a list of all my powers, that we could add to when we discovered a new one, and every time we add to the list we add more equipment to the room to help improve it. I read everyone like I'm only just discovering I have them.

Purple energy blasts
Super speed
Mental manipulation

Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is actually happening to me. I touched some glowing stone after being taken from the streets and now I have magic powers that I use with other superhero's to catch bad guys.

*Someone should make a damn movie.* A sarcastic laugh escaped my lips at the thought of us in a movie. 

Skimming over the list once again, I decide to work on my telekinesis as I'm already pretty good at the energy blasts, teleportation and super speed, and the other two require another person, which I currently don't have.

Without turning around, I try to focus my powers on the pile of objects behind me. I wanted to try visualising the object in my head and moving it without actually looking at it. I feel my eyes start to glow their deep shade of purple as I picture the ugly zebra-patterned cushion I knew was lying at the bottom of the pile. Start with something soft so if it does smack me in the head, at least it won't hurt. 

Just as I start to feel the energy that's flowing out of my body start to lift what I assume is the pillow, Tony's voice cuts over the Lady Gaga song that had been blasting in my ears.

"Avengers, suit up. We have a new Hydra lead, leaving in 5 minutes."

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