chapter four

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Sending a flurry of indigo blasts towards a group of Hydra soldiers, I teleport to the top of a nearby tree to study the battle below. Nat is driving the truck Fury had delivered us, swerving to avoid the trees and the bullets from an enemy fire close behind. Clint is in the back, knocking out men left and right with his arrows, never missing a beat. Just as a Hydra agent shoots at Nat, Thor jumps on top of the truck, pulling him out before swinging Mjölnir and flying up to a tower ahead that had more men raining fire. 

Sam flies overhead to take out more towers, whilst Cap mows down a group of men on his bike, dragging one behind him before chucking him aside, whilst Hulk, of course, smashes. I can see Bucky running somewhere ahead taking out more men. 

Okay, everybody seemed to be managing, so where's Stark?

Looking ahead I can see the city lying at the base of the mountain. The research facility sat further up, whilst the whole area ahead was covered in snow, trees and the blue glow of approaching hydra soldiers. I spot Tony flying over towards the lab.

"Stark, how's it looking?" I ask over comms, watching as he flies closer to the facility. Glancing back to the fight below, I feel my eyes blaze purple as I shoot a blast at a soldier about to fire at Clint, looking back to Stark just in time to see him fly straight into some force field around the lab. 

"SHIT!" Tony's voice boomed straight in my ear, making me turn down the volume of my headphones. 

"Language!" Cap snaps, making me keel over laughing.  

Just as I'm about to absolutely rip into him, because how can I not, I spot an enemy soldier get a little too close for comfort to a very surrounded Bucky. I immediately draw my energy in, teleporting behind him and slipping a knife out of my suit, plunging it between the soldier's ribcage. 

Retracting my knife, the hairs prick on the back of my neck, alerting me to an attack from behind. Whipping around, energy shoots from my fingers, throwing back the agent that had been about to pounce. Bucky had managed to take down the rest of the men that had been surrounding him.

"Thanks, doll." Winking at me with a sly grin, before turning and running ahead. 

Did he just...Wink at me? Bucky and I got on well, we hung out sometimes around the tower, had the occasional drink but we were just friends. 

I quickly take my phone out, changing my playlist to an olden goldies one. In my opinion, everybody should listen to music whilst in a fight, as long as you don't get distracted, that is.

 One of the perks of my powers was that I could sense an attack coming from behind, either the hair on my neck pricks up or I can literally hear their thoughts, kind of ruining their surprise. Britney Spears comes blasting through my headphones before it's interrupted by Steve.

"JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

My body coursing with energy, I sprint up to where Natasha was running up towards the base, taking down men who came in her path. Sam flies overhead, swooping down and knocking a row of men with his wing. 

Purple spirals out of my fingertips, wrapping around three soldiers approaching from the side, lifting them before slamming them back down into a tree. 

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Struckers technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." The AI responds after examining the facility from a satellite above. 

Thor landed not far from Nat and me, throwing Mjölnir at a row of agents.
"Lokis sceptre must be here, Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it"

He wasn't wrong. The soldiers were armed with weapons that shot bright blue beams that left massive scorch marks where they hit the ground, and we were also facing some sort of robotic solider, also armed with glowing blue weapons. 

Using my speed, I run in and out of the trees, forming balls of energy between my hands before flinging them at bots, instantly ripping them apart as they connect. 

"At long last." Thor adds. 

I can see Natasha chuck a grenade into a passing truck before rolling down a trench, taking down more soldiers shooting at us. It's like they're just getting back up off the ground when we kill them and coming back tenfold. 

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." She grunts as she dodges a blue blast from a bot, just as Barton hits it with an exploding arrow, adding "Think it's safe to say we lost the element of surprise."

"Wait a minute, is nobody gonna deal with the fact that Cap said 'language'? Y/l/n I must say I am slightly disappointed you didn't even address it." Stark teased, flying around the base trying to find an entrance to the facility. 

"I know." Steve's voice whined over comms as I watch him flip forward over his bike, bringing it swinging behind him, allowing him to launch it at an oncoming enemy vehicle, making it explode on impact. 
"It just slipped out." 

"I do apologise for letting you down Stark, I was about to make a comment, quite a few actually, but then I got a little preoccupied saving Bucky's ass." I laugh sending another blast of energy at a row of bots, giggling when I hear Bucky scoff in response.

"Sir? The city is taking fire" We hear Jarvis report. 

"At least we know Struckers not gonna worry about civilian casualties. Send in the iron legion." Stark commands back. 

Glancing up I see the flock of suits fly from where we had left the quinjet to the city at the base of the research facility. That should get the people out and to a safe place. 

"Y/l/n? Is that you running in front of my arrows?" Clint inquires, interrupting the best part of the song I'm listening to. Annoyed, I reply sarcastically. 

"And why would I do that?" 

Pulling the batons from the holster on my back, I roll forward, coming up on my knees and striking an oncoming attacker in his groin, sending him falling to the fall. Shocking him unconscious with the end of the baton, I speed over to the next group of soldiers charging towards me.

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve calls over comms, making me freeze in my tracks. 

Enhanced? Like... me?

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