chapter sixteen

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As I make my way to the elevator I remember the Sokovians, turning back to see them still standing at the edge of the room, uncertain of what to do. I roll my eyes. Of course, none of the others had bothered to even cast a second thought to them, despite what the vision had said about us needing everyone.

I wave my hand at them, gesturing to follow. I wait with the elevator doors held open until they catch up. 

"I don't think I've introduced myself, I'm Y/n. I'm sorry about the rest of the team, they barely get along with each other so it's challenging for them to warm up to others. They'll get there though."  I say with a friendly smile as we pile onto the elevator. 

"We understand, we did fight against you after all. It's nice to meet you Y/n, I'm sure you know our names by now." Pietro responds, his accent thick and flirty.

"I do indeed."

"I'm sorry to pry, but you got your powers from that gem too?" He asks. 

"Yeah. Hydra kidnapped me to use as a guinea pig for their serums. When nobody was surviving the stone, they decided to get me to touch it since I had been responsive to all of their other tests. Later the doctors would talk of two others who survived. It's nice to finally know who I was told about so often."

I don't look at them whilst I speak, instead fixating on a small smudge on the elevator door as I try to stop my voice from shaking.

Before anyone can say anything else, the doors open with a ding and I lead the twins towards the lockers, opening the one that held spare clothes and suits. 

"There should be some spare clothes in here that will fit you. Pick whatever you want, if it's down here, it's forgotten about." 

I move to my own locker, removing my spare suit, since my normal one was in the wash, and the bag of weapons I had dumped in there after our last mission. I then go to Nat's, packing the spare weapons in her locker in my bag too. She was going to need them once we rescue her. Her red leather jacket hangs on a hook inside. After a moment of thought, I grab it and close the locker.

Turning back I see Pietro had picked out a blue and grey sports top and black combat trousers but Wanda had only changed into sturdier shoes, clearly not minding the clothes she was already wearing. 

I throw Nat's jacket at her.

"Here, I have a feeling red suits you." She slips it on, fitting her perfectly. Giving a satisfactory nod at her appearance, I turn towards the door to the landing platform. 

"Ready?" I ask. They both nod their reply and follow me onto the quinjet, Wanda strapping in the seat next to me with Pietro on her other side.

The rest of the Avengers and the vision board the jet, and Steve passes round the comm earpieces before standing before the group to do his usual pre-mission speech. 

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, but they can't today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him, it's about whether he's right."

Nobody speaks for a while, sitting with what Steve had said. We all knew it was very unlikely we would all make it out of this alive, but Rogers was right. This is what we signed up for, we know the dangers of what we do. But it's got to be done. 

Pulling out my phone, I open mine and Em's chat. She'll never forgive me if I go and die without messaging her first.


you summoned?

about to go finish this with Ultron

i don't know if we'll all make it out
alive em

you listen here
you are the baddest bitch i know
and your team know what they're doing
you will all get through this
now go kick that metallic ass

ily girl


"ETA ten minutes." Tony calls from the cockpit, and I put my phone back in my pocket, feeling slightly better now I had talked to my best friend. 

Sliding into one of the small closets I change into my suit, tightening my hair into a high ponytail and connecting my headphones. I selected my 'kick some ass' playlist because I was going to need ALL the empowering badass songs to keep me going through this.

I notice Wanda glance me up and down, darting her eyes away when she's noticed she's been caught. My face heats up and I shuffle nervously on my feet at the attention. 

Sure the boys had done their share of looking, Bucky loved to be a right tease but that I brush off. This felt... different.

"First off, Wanda, can you use your mental manipulation to get the civilians out of the city?" Steve directs at the redhead, who gives a curt nod in response. 

"Pietro, I need you to get inside businesses and warn them, do what you can to get them out." The other twin also nods his reply.

"Y/n-" Steve turns towards me, but I cut him off immediately. 

"I'm finding Nat."

"That was what I was gonna say. If she's in bad shape get her back here, Bruce will be waiting for medical attention. Make sure you don't take no for an answer if she isn't fit for action, you know how stubborn she is."

"Wait, no. I'm coming with you to find Nat." Bruce calls from the front of the jet. 

"Uhh, Bruce in the nicest way, the only way you could help me out there is if you're green." I reply with a slight grimace. 

"I'm coming."

"Okay... The rest of you, once we have the civilians clear, we'll group in the city. Keep everyone updated on comms." Steve commands the group, moving on from mine and Banner's conversation.

The ground shakes as the quinjet lands, the back hatch shuddering open with a low groan.
I grab Wanda's arm before she can exit the jet, turning her towards me. I dart my eyes at her brother to show her I want his attention too. 

Once they're both looking at me, I say"If you need backup, call for me. Be safe."
Before they can respond, I grab the bag that had Nat's weapons packed in and turn to Bruce, who had come to stand beside me.

"Keep up old man." I grin mischievously at him before drawing my energy within, instantly teleporting to the Hydra facility above the city, leaving him behind in the quinjet below.

Indigo Meets Scarlet (Wanda x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now