chapter twentyseven

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By the time we get back to the compound, the sun is shining in clear blue skies as the birds chirp their morning song.

Tony and Steve wait on the landing pad, along with a few military personnel as Nat, Wanda and I stroll off the jet.

"Natasha, Y/n, with me. Wanda, you go with Steve, you'll be starting your training now."

Tony spins on his heel and marches back inside, Steve and Nat hot on his tail. The auburn-haired girl glances at me anxiously before moving to follow them, but I grab her arm to spin her to face me. 

"Hey, it'll be fine. I'll come down once I'm finished with debrief, probably won't take more than half an hour, okay? Rogers is probably the best person you could have for your first training, he won't push you too hard. I'll see you soon."

I notice a small shift in her shoulders as she relaxes slightly and after a small nod, she disappears inside.

"I don't have all day, Y/l/n" 

Stark's head pops out from a window above, causing me to roll my eyes and teleport up to the meeting room.

"Well, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting, your highness." 

I bow mockingly before throwing myself down in one of the chairs around the table.

"Mission report." 

Fury's head appears in the centre of the table, causing the bones in my body to jump from my skin. 

"Christ. A little warning next time, please?
I successfully downloaded all the files, but found no evidence or plans for new weapon development."

"Stark, I need you to get on those files, please. Unearth anything you can, read everything, twice. Extract anything that could aid us. Romanoff, report on Y/l/n?"

A dull ache spread in my chest, alerting me to the fact I'm holding my breath. 

Natasha may be one of my closest friends, but she was dedicated to her work. If I did shitty, she'll tell them I did shitty.

"Y/l/n managed to locate, break into and recover the files very professionally, Stark's watch really helped with passcodes. She successfully managed to stay undetected until the very last minute, but I did not warn her to the agent outside the door before she had teleported into the corridor. She did not engage and returned straight to the quinjet."

Okay. That wasn't too bad.

"Y/n, I thought you had a like, sixth sense for that kind of thing." 

Fury scrutinises me, his eyebrow raised.

"I do. Not through wall's though."

"Well, get it to work through walls. I have a few more suspected bases and labs I need you to check out over the next few weeks, so you best get working on that.

You are all dismissed. Go."

The hologram fizzles out and the director's face disappears.

"Well, I have places to be and people to see. See ya." 

I give a brief wave at the assassin and billionaire seated opposite me, focusing on the training floor below and teleporting down, arriving in the corridor.

I can hear the slap of fists and heavy grunts emanating from different rooms along the hall.

 Peering into each room, I discover most are empty and that the majority of the noise is coming from Bucky and Sam sparring, both of them swinging desperately at each other to get a hit in.

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