Twigs snap underfoot as I wander through the icy forest, following the distant glowing figure of the same girl I had dreamed about every single night since Sokovia.
I don't know where she's going, but I know if I can just get to her, all will be okay.
The ground in front of me explodes upwards as a glowing blue blast hits the path, kicking up dirt. Snapping around just in time, I see a Hydra bot flying towards me, firing shot after shot. I roll to the side to dodge the attack, rushing to my feet and darting off further into the woods, managing to escape.
I spot the girl again and make in her direction, getting closer and closer. I finally reach her, resting my hand on her shoulder to turn her to face me. But to my horror, as the figure turned, they morph into Ivanof. A harsh, mocking laugh cuts from his lips and he forces a bag over my head as I thrash about trying to escape his grip before it all goes black.
I'm still thrashing around when my eyes snap open, my duvet discarded on the floor and my clothes twisted and slick with sweat. Light streams through a gap in the curtain, reflecting rainbows off of the knife collection hanging on the wall. I'm safe in my room, in the tower, Ivanof is gone, and (hopefully) we destroyed all those damn robots earlier this week.
It was just a dream.
Adjusting my clothes, I use my telekinesis to lift my duvet back onto my bed just as someone knocks on my door. With a wave of my hand, purple whisps unlock and swing the door open, revealing a dressed and ready Natasha.
Shit, it was the day of the celebration party and we were meant to be going dress shopping before getting ready together. Checking the time on my phone, I look back with a guilty smile as I see I'm already an hour late. The Russian spy just stands in the doorway, her hand on her hip.
"My bad." I mumble sheepishly, swinging my legs over and tumbling out of bed.
"I heard you screaming, nightmares?" She asks.
Frowning, I shoot her a look. My room is mostly soundproofed, she shouldn't have been able to hear anything unless she had been standing outside my door the whole time. Putting together what I was thinking, she explained.
"I was coming to wake your ass up to get a move on and heard. I thought you'd probably want a moment to collect yourself. Now, are we going or not?
"Okay okay! Let me shower really quick, I'm a bit, well, sweaty."
She scowls before leaving, closing the door behind her.
Once I've showered and put on some ripped mom jeans, a crop top and some converse, I meet Nat in the garage. We hop in her Audi, pulling out of the tower and heading towards the city centre. Connecting my phone to the aux cord, we start to sing along to the songs playing.
"Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face!" We both scream, completely out of tune.
"She's gonna love nobody." I start singing back up as Nat continues the chorus.
Parking outside the mall, we squeal with excitement, sprinting inside. Nat was like a child in a sweet shop when it was party day, she took picking out the right outfit and doing hair and makeup very seriously, especially now she has another girl on the team to do it with.
I think we had been inside ten stores before we finally found some good options.
"I have found THE one. I don't care if you don't like it, you're wearing it." The redhead shoves a black dress in my arms, a stern expression on her face.

Indigo Meets Scarlet (Wanda x Y/n)
FanfictionY/n was kidnapped by Hydra and exposed to the mind stone, receiving powers nobody quite understood the extent of. After a year and a half under Hydra captivity, she was rescued by the Avengers in Russia on their search for Loki's sceptre. After Nat...