Tw - just gets a bit violent
Y/N POV"Let's duck behind that bin."
I point at the huge green container along the alley outside Rosies. We scamper over and join hands, a tiny flicker stirs in my stomach as Wanda's cool hand intertwines with mine and I close my eyes, pushing away the feeling to focus on Emilia's kitchen.
After the familiar tug of the teleportation, I open my eyes in the dimly lit kitchen. Isabel must have left the light on for our return. Em immediately heads for the freezer and withdraws a bag of vegan chicken nuggets from the second drawer, holding them towards me.
"Mum got you these when we went shopping last."
I squeal excitedly, mindful to not wake Isabel, and race over to where the brunette was crouched on the floor, snatching the bag from her grip.
We set to work laying out a spread of potato waffles, curly fries and the nuggets onto baking trays before making our way upstairs to change while we wait for the food to cook.
I hear the ding of the oven and teleport down to the kitchen, hissing as I burn my fingers loading everything onto plates. It takes two superspeed trips up the stairs to deliver the feast to Emilia's bedroom and probably less time for us to devour the entire thing in a ravenous frenzy.
The four of us lay back, all smushed onto Em's bed, holding our full stomachs with satisfied grins on our faces. I use my powers to lift the empty plates off the sheets and onto the vanity table, stretching my arms up into the now empty space.
A fingertip begins to gently trace the lines in the centre of my palm and I peer up to see it was Wanda, her gaze drifting sleepily to the ceiling as she absentmindedly runs her fingers over my hand.
A ray of sunlight creeping through the slight gap in Em's curtains uproots me from my slumber and I throw my arm over my eyes to cover the bright assault. Once my eyes have adjusted, I push up on the bed, stretching my stiff neck to the side as I survey the three girls sprawled around me. It seems we had all passed out soon after eating, I don't remember a single one of us moving.
I teleport to the bathroom to avoid shaking the mattress and disturbing the others, turning to the mirror and wincing at the monstrous bedhead and streaky makeup on the creature staring back at me.
After peeing and fixing my appearance, I tiptoe out the room and down the stairs, hearing the faint clink of pots and pans coming from the kitchen.
"Good morning! I'd ask you how your head is but I know better than that, Miss 'doesn't get hungover.' Where's the rest of you?" Isabel greets cheerfully as she notices me shuffle through the door and take a seat at the table.
"They're still asleep. We passed out fairly quickly last night so lord knows how they're going to be feeling."
"I best get the kettle on then."
"Morning Mum." Em mumbles, rubbing her eyes as she enters the kitchen and crashes into the chair beside me.
"Good morning, my baby. Did you sleep well?"
Isabel bustles over and wraps her daughter in her arms, placing a kiss on her head.
"Well, I had a dream I was a goldfish. Do with that what you will."
"Uh... I guess that sounds like fun? Tea?"
Isabel chuckles as she releases her hold on Em and returns to the freshly boiled kettle on the counter, preparing five mugs of tea.

Indigo Meets Scarlet (Wanda x Y/n)
FanficY/n was kidnapped by Hydra and exposed to the mind stone, receiving powers nobody quite understood the extent of. After a year and a half under Hydra captivity, she was rescued by the Avengers in Russia on their search for Loki's sceptre. After Nat...