chapter forty

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Doors slamming shut in the corridor draws my attention away from my phone, sighing as I see it's the morning. I hadn't slept all night, too anxious to have another nightmare. 

Y/n had never returned during dinner, I don't even know if she'd come home.

Not bothering to change out of the joggers and crop top I had been wearing all night, I amble out into the hall, phone in hand. The display above the elevator shows it's in use so I take the stairs and arrive at the kitchen just as the rest of the team start to sit down.

"Hey, Tony. Pass me your tablet." Nat calls from the island and Stark catapults it towards her from his seat at the table. 

I shuffle over and lean against the counter beside the redhead. She's flicking through the security footage in the compound, letting out a low sigh as she gets to the training room.

The floor of Y/n's private room was covered in sand and broken punching bags lay scattered about the English girl's feet, who was pummeling a bag suspended from the ceiling with all her might. 

Nat clicks on the feed and swipes further back, discovering Y/n had been in the training room for the last nine hours. The assassin glances at me and I shift my eyes away from the screen to her, mirroring her grim expression.

"Y/l/n, get your ass up here. It's breakfast." Nat presses the mic on the screen and we watch as Y/n swivels to the camera in the corner of her room, giving it a small nod before teleporting out.

I move to the cupboards, grabbing Y/n's cereal, bowl and milk placing it on the table ready for her before bustling around making myself some toast. By the time she enters the kitchen, I've finished my breakfast and I'm sitting back listening to the chatter of the others. Y/n spots her cereal on the table and creeps over to her seat opposite me, throwing herself down and pouring the granola into her bowl.

I study her face as she adds the oat milk and stirs it together with a spoon, noticing how the circles under her bloodshot eyes had deepened. Her y/h/c locks were pushed back into a messy ponytail, strands sticking out everywhere and brushing over her cheeks and I notice she's dressed in her suit.

It's almost like she's moving in slow motion as she chews her food, her attention shifting in and out of focus as she fixates on a crumb on the table. 

Now and then I see her trying to hide a yawn or her eyes start to flutter shut, usually interrupted by Nat making a remark and nudging the girl for a reaction which she would sluggishly provide.

As soon as she places the spoon down in her empty bowl, I shove myself out of my seat and cross to her side of the table, taking her hand in mine and leading her towards the door. Climbing onto the elevator, I wrap my arm around her waist and her head falls onto my shoulder.

The doors ping open on the top floor and I guide Y/n down the hall to her room, closing the door behind us. She teleports to the bed, not bothering to change out of her suit, clearly too exhausted to take another step. 

I crawl under the sheets beside her, bundling her up in my arms and stroking my fingertips along her back. Her head starts to feel heavy against my chest and I hear her breathing shift as fatigue hits and she drifts to sleep.

Listening to the soft exhales of the girl in my arms, I gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as I mull over what could be bothering her so much. 

A knock at the door disturbs my thoughts and I swing it open with my powers, careful not to wake the y/h/c below me.

"Shh." I whisper, gesturing at Y/n as Nat wanders into the room. 

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