chapter twentyfour

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Hiking through the woods surrounding the compound, I find a clearing beside the edge of the water. I spot a fallen tree nearby and manage to lift it with my powers, laying it down in the middle of the grass. Sitting on the trunk, I use the torch on my phone to see through the dark to roll my joint. 

As I spark it, I reflect on the day I had spent with the Sokovian and what she said about Pietro. Despite the fact she had said it wasn't to blame, I couldn't help but still feel at fault. I'm glad I was able to distract her for the day, even if it was just for a series of moments.

Natasha and I go for drives or dance around the building when we can't bear to think about certain things so I know how it helps to have a distraction.

Finishing the joint, I put the roach in my bag and teleport back to my bedroom, not wanting to trek back through the trees.

Wanda is still curled up beneath the blanket on my bed, completely knocked out. I place my bag back in the bedside drawer, grab my headphones and slip back out the door. I knew it was late, but I still just couldn't bring myself to lay down and try to sleep.

I plod down the stairs next to the elevator that leads to the floor below, deciding to explore the avengers half of the compound.

Since I already knew where the kitchen was, I go into the room opposite. It's a living room area the size of half this floor, giant sofas arranged at one end of the room in front of a flatscreen tv, with a pool table and some other games on the other side of the room and various seats scattered throughout. Large glass panes lookout to the training fields outside, the trees beyond swaying gently in the breeze.

Venturing back out to the corridor and into the room next to the kitchen, I find a meeting room where I assume we'll get our mission briefings.

Using super speed I zip back to the stairs, going down to the floor below. I remember
the washing I had put in the machine earlier and enter the laundry room to switch the clothes into the dryer. 

Exploring the rest of the floor, I discover they're all training rooms, the one at the far right contained all my equipment from my previous room so I assume this is my new one.

Entering, I lock the door behind me and cross to my speakers to connect my phone. If I wasn't going to sleep then I should at least train so that what happened to Pietro never has to happen again. 

Putting on my 'training🤼' playlist, I do some warm-ups before wrapping my hands and positioning myself against the new punchbag suspended in the corner. All the rage I have ever felt takes over as I pummel the bag, the vibrations running through my knuckles and up my arms. 

I keep at it until blood starts to seep through the white gauze taped around my fists. It soon dries as the wounds beneath heals, but I decide to give them a break and move on to my powers.

Unlocking the door, I race in and out of the other rooms, gathering all the training dummies I could find and bringing them back to my own room. I manage to find seven, lining them up against the back wall. 

Grabbing my gauze tape, I make a cross on the opposite side of the room and move back to the dummies to make another cross. Positioning myself, I hold one of the dolls against me and focus my powers on the X across from me as well as the dummy in my arms. In an indigo flash, I glance down and let out a satisfied sigh to see I'm standing on the opposite cross, the dummy still clutched in my hand. Teleporting back, I hold the dummy in one hand and clasp a second in my other, repeating my previous task.

I teleport from cross to cross, each time using the gauze tape to attach the dummies hands together until I'm able to teleport six of them successfully from each location several times. The seventh got a little sliced in half during my first attempt at six, but I got there with the second try.

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