"But I always say, keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." The android babbles whilst the men observe their phones, seeing Ultron had paid them in full for the metal we needed.
At his words, the two thugs turn slowly to face him, clearly alarmed by something he had said.
"Stark." The man in the dirty white shirt states.
"What?" Ultron demands, clearly as lost as me.
"Tony Stark used to say that. To me. You're one of his." The man finishes, moving towards the bot.
Ultron clamps onto the man's hand, pulling him closer. His friend reaches into his pocket pulling out a gun. I shoot a red beam at him, forcing his hand down until his grip on the weapon releases.
"I am not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? His hollow men? I mean, look at me. Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" Ultron thunders enraged, slicing the man's arm off in one quick sweep of his metallic hand.
Pietro and I both recoil at the sight, glancing at each other alarmed at the act of extreme violence. The man staggers back, his skin slowly turning a pasty white as blood pours from his severed limb.
"I am so- Oooh I am sorry. I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!" A knife flys from the bots hand, sinking into the man already stumbling back, sending him tumbling down the stairs behind him whilst he groans in pain. His friend chases after him as Ultron continues to shout about Stark.
"Stark is... He's a sickness!" He spits, turning towards Pietro and me, still slightly shocked from the events that just happened. A figure behind him catches our attention, as a new voice calls out.
"Ah, Junior."
Tony Stark flies in, wearing his iron man suit, landing on the walkway in front of us. He's not alone, accompanied by the man with the hammer, Thor I think it was, Captain America, and the curious y/h/c haired girl I encountered in Sokovia.
"You're gonna break your old man's heart." Stark continues as Ultron turns to face him.
"If I have to." The android grumbles back.
"Nobody has to break anything." The god speaks up.
Glancing at the girl who stood behind him, I notice she isn't paying attention to the conversation happening before us. She seemed to be slightly swaying her head side to side, muttering words under her breath.
Deciding to enter her mind, I focus my energy on her. Loud pop music blares through her brain, the lyrics matching up to the words she's uttering. Was this girl listening to music for a fight? Biting my lip to fight the corner of my mouth tugging up, I return my focus to the discussion.
"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Ultron quips back.
"He beat me by one second." Tony mumbles, earning an eye roll from the girl.
"Ah yes. He's funny. Mr Stark. It's what comfortable? Like old times?" My brother steps forward, gesturing at the missiles laid in rows on the level below us.
The girl snaps her head to attention at the sound of Pietros voice, flicking her eyes across from him to lock with mine. Her head tilts to the side and my cheeks heat up as she drags her gaze over my body before coming back to meet my eyes, butterflies erupting in my stomach.
"This was never my life." Stark defends himself, causing rage to start brewing within me.
It was his name on the bomb that killed my parents, no?
"You two can still walk away from this." Captain America states, stepping forward to address us.
"Oh, we will." I taunt, nodding my head sarcastically, making the girl raise her brow, a small smirk tugging at her lips.
"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war." Ultron scoffs.
"I can't physically throw up but..."
"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor interrupts.
"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet.'""Uh-huh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony inquires.
"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."
"Boys, boys, you're both pretty, no need to fight. Or, please do. Just do anything other than continue to blab on and on, I'm BORED!" The girl teases, leaning against the wall behind her with her arms crossed.
I'm surprised to hear her accent is different than the American drawl of her other Avengers. I'm not given much time to try and figure it out as Ultron reaches out, absorbing power from the energy core in the billionaire's chest and aiming it back at him in a stream of glowing orange. Stark flies back, crashing into the wall and slamming to the floor under the beam.
"Y/L/N I blame you for that!" Stark bellows as he gets to his feet, flying straight towards Ultron.
"Yeah... Yeah, you can blame me for that. My bad." She grimaces.Meanwhile, Stark and his creation are neck to neck, crashing into each other midair, grabbing anything in arms reach and lobbing it at the other. Some of Ultrons bots charge towards the other three avengers. Y/e/c turn to glowing indigo as the girl summons purple energy identical to mine and manipulates it into blasts that tear apart bot after bot.
Pietro darts toward the hammer-wielding god, engaging in a fight with him whilst Captain America throws a bot tackling him over the side of the walkway, making his way towards me. Blasting him back, more bots crowd around him and he tries to get up. I sneak off towards the back of the ship, watching the battle from behind a stack of crates.
Shots fire from above as the tradesmen start to aim at both the Avengers and Ultron's puppets, clearly responding to an order from the man Ultron maimed. I can see three more avengers fighting them, a red-haired woman, a man armed with a bow and a man with- is that a metal arm?
Ultron and Tony continue to clash mid-air, before shooting through the wall and out the shop altogether. Thor throws his hammer through a row of bots as Pietro runs by. I see my brother try to grab ahold of the flying weapon, failing as it throws him aside and he tumbles off the walkway to the deck below, landing with a loud thud.
"Pietro!" I shriek, moving towards him as Captain America comes up behind him, hitting him back down with his shield when he tries to get back up.
The path to my brother is interrupted by one of the bots, Ultron's voice speaking out from it.
"Time for some mind games."

Indigo Meets Scarlet (Wanda x Y/n)
FanfictionY/n was kidnapped by Hydra and exposed to the mind stone, receiving powers nobody quite understood the extent of. After a year and a half under Hydra captivity, she was rescued by the Avengers in Russia on their search for Loki's sceptre. After Nat...