chapter twenty

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Wanda POV

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Wanda POV

Blood seeps between my fingers as I frantically hold pressure to Y/n's chest. Her eyes flutter shut and her head rolls to the side as she loses consciousness. 

I had just watched my brother die and now the only other person who had shown kindness to me was slipping away right beneath me.

Steve had crouched down beside us now, checking her pulse and applying pressure to the wound next to my fingers.


Natasha ran across the deck of the carrier, dropping to her knees beside the girl.
"What happened?" She croaks, glancing at me as she shoves Rogers aside and replaces his hands with her own to staunch the blood still pulsing out of Y/n. 

"I don't know! I saw Pietro drop and her with him, and- and then he..." 

Sobs wrack through my chest as I recall watching my twin fall to the ground clutched in Y/n's arms.

"I was stood with a kid in my arms, about to be shot. Pietro and Y/n saw before I did, he shoved us out of the way and Y/n threw herself behind him to try and push him out of the firing line. The bullets went straight through her and..." Clint mumbles from where he had come to stand beside us, his voice cracking, unable to finish. 

She had tried to save him. 

"Why isn't she healing? She should be healing!" Nat yells, feeling the holes still open on Y/n's chest. 

"Where's Banner?" Tony inquires, running over from where he had landed to join the group of Avengers beginning to huddle around Nat, Y/n and me, Thor joining him. 

"He uh... Hulk took off on a quinjet." Nat whispers. 

"Nat get her to the med bay, there should be a medic there."

Natasha slides her arms beneath the girl, gently lifting her from the ground and rushing her inside the carrier.

Glancing around at the families and citizens of my country clutching at each other in grief, my eyes come to settle on a figure dressed in grey and blue vest laid on the floor. 

I don't feel my legs moving but the next thing I know I find myself crouched beside the body of Pietro, his body riddled with crimson holes. Resting my hands on his chest, tears roll down my cheeks, blurring my vision as I focus on his face, memorising every detail.

My brother. My best friend. My Pietro.


A hand lands on my shoulder, gently pulling me back and Clint lifts me up and away from my twin, Rhodes covering his corpse with a blanket. 

"Come on kid, let's get you to the med bay." Clint utters soothingly, guiding me down the runway and inside the carrier.

Reaching a room lined with beds filled with injured civilians hooked up to wires and beeping machines, Barton sits me down at an empty bed and a nurse comes over, looking me over for any injuries. She bandages a wound in my side I must have received earlier in the afternoon, I don't remember. 

My memories of the day were cast with a blurry haze, my head only focused on the bleeding pain radiating from my heart and radiating through me.

After making sure I was okay, the archer crosses the room to join a crowd of people surrounding the bed in the corner. 

Stumbling over, I see it's Y/n in the bed, Natasha, Tony, Bucky, Clint, Steve and Fury all crowded around observing the machines hooked up to the girl. She looks so small laid there, the top of her suit cut away, leaving her in a sports bra and trousers, crimson leaking through the bandages wrapped around her bruised skin.

My chest clenches at the sight, the pain in addition to my grief almost too much to bear. I shuffle to the side and slide down the wall, my eyes locked on the girl between the group standing in front of me.

"So, her regenerative powers are what has kept her alive this long, her body is knitting itself back together from the inside out, which explains why it's taking longer than usual. As far as we're aware, she's never had an injury to this extent before, the bullets went completely through her, collapsing a lung and cracking several ribs, as well as a fracture in her spine. We've done two x-rays and we can see an improvement, so we know she is healing. She should be back to her smug little self in no time." Tony explains, holding up scans to indicate the improvement. 

The rest of the team, myself included, breathe a sigh of relief. I had only just begun to know this girl and the thought of never getting the chance to learn more had terrified me.

Stark and Fury break away from the group, discussing something under their breathes over a stack of files as they stroll out of the room. 

"I'm going to go call Laura." Clint says, rubbing a hand against Natasha's back and striding towards the door. Nat and Bucky both pull up a chair next to Y/n's bed, collapsing into it with a sigh. 

I debate following and finding somewhere private, away from everyone and the world but exhaustion had washed over me and the pain in my side becoming more evident.

Part of me didn't want to leave her, ever since the first time I locked eyes with hers, I felt inexplicably drawn to the smaller girl. Maybe it was because of the mind stone, maybe it was something else, I really don't know. But she stood by Pietro and me when we were at the tower, she fought by our side. She nearly died trying to save Pietro.


The thought of him prods at the grief swallowing me. My chest felt like it had a gaping hole sinking through my body, crushing every shred of my soul. 

He can't be gone. I've never spent a moment of my life without him. What am I meant to do now?

"Hey, Wanda. Breathe." Nat rises from her chair, coming to crouch in front of me. 

Glancing down, I realise my chest is heaving whilst my whole body trembles. The tears well up once again, burning my face as they spill down my cheeks. The redhead pulls me into a hug and whispers soothing words, my head resting on her shoulder as I mourn my brother.

"I've never been without him. Who do I have now?"

"You have us. You're an Avenger now Wanda, we're all family. An idiotic, fucked up family, but we're all each other have and we protect our own. The one laying in that bed being the most fierce of us all. She will wake up, and we will get you through this. " Nat holds me forward firmly by the shoulders, looking straight into my eyes. 

I give her a nod to show I understand and she holds out her hands to me, helping me to my feet and guiding me into her chair beside Y/n's bed. Grabbing another from across the room, she settles beside me and turns back to the y/h/c girl, nobody speaking another word as we listen to the slow, steady beep of her heart on the monitors as we wait for her to wake.

anyone else in complete distress over the wandavision streaming room earlier? was about to be my 13th reason😐🤚😂

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