chapter five

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"Clint's hit!" Nat exclaims, hurrying to his side. 

"Description of the enhanced?" I ask, drawing a blast between my fingers, sending it flying at the truck speeding towards me. 

"Fast." Steve replied bluntly, followed by a grunt I assume from taking a blow. 


This must be one of the other patients Doctor Ivanof used to go on and on about. I know two other subjects survived the stone beside me. This must be one of them. But that would mean... 

"Guys, I think there might be a second enhanced. I remember Ivanof talking about two other successful patients."  I stammer, my body beginning to hum while the energy inside me grows.

I had always struggled with controlling my emotions before hydra due to trauma caused as a child. Then I was taken by Hydra, injected over and over with serum after serum and exposed to the mind stone, giving me my powers. 

If I had learnt anything about this energy within me, it's that it's closely tied in with my emotions. Strong emotions were usually when I discovered a new power, but it can easily get out of control if I am. 

Music helps, it gives me something else to focus on away from my powers. But even that was proving useless as the anxiety rose from the pit of my stomach at the thought of these other enhanced individuals, memories of being strapped in a lab flashing in front of my glowing eyes, indigo light starting to burn brighter, curling out of my fingers.

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve barked as he bounced his shield at the continuous oncoming attack. 

"I'm closing in. Y/l/n get up here." Tony responds.

I immediately race up the hill, reaching the city. They were all crowded around Starks Iron bots shouting and lobbing rocks and various other things at it. 

"Uh, guys? We have civilians resisting the Iron legion. They're shouting 'Avengers go home'." I report to the group, still watching the scene before me. 

"Y/n just get up here!" Stark commanded. 

Glancing up, I can see him dodging fire before trying to get in shots of his own. I was close enough to the facility to be able to see and picture the building enough to teleport, shutting my eyes I visualise it and with a purple flash, I'm below Stark as he dives to blast one of the enemy guns still trying to fire at him.

I can hear him having a conversation with his suit Jarvis, probably planning the best route of action. Using my telekinesis, I retrieve all the knives from my suit, floating them in the air in front of me before sending them flying through the air, slicing through man after man. 

Focusing my powers on keeping the knives moving, I pull the pistols from their holsters, firing at bots flying through the air. I race after Tony as he flys around the building. Suddenly he shoots upwards, before flying straight towards and then through an upper floor window, bringing the whole energy shield surrounding the facility down.

"Drawbridge is down people."  

"The enhanced?" Thor bellows through comms.

"Still only one. Just a blur." Steve responds.

"Clint's hit pretty bad guys." Nat chimes in, her voice thick with worry.  

"I'll get Barton back to the ship, Romanoff can retrieve Banner, whilst you, Stark and Y/l/n retrieve the sceptre. Barnes and Sam, you cover Romanoff and me." Thor proposes, the rest of us replying in agreement. 

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