They cleaned up their things when they finished and Red took the backpack this time, although it was lighter now he still insisted on Blue taking it easy.
They left the garden and Blue told Red they'd be heading down to Tapu Village at the bottom of the island.
"There's a beach near the village there that's pretty unique" Blue explained as they headed out of Malie City and onto Route 11.
Red's interest peaked, "Oh, how so?" Red asked,
"You'll find out when we get there" Blue replied with a grin.
Red let out a gentle laugh "That's what I thought" he responded while following behind Blue closely.
They passed several trainers and soon were on Route 12. The landscape was a dramatic change to the previous route, from soft grass and a variety of plants to a rather dry and rugged seaside road.
They were brought to a halt a little way along the route as jagged rocks covered the path.
"Probably not a good idea to try and walk over them," Red said while looking to see if there was a way around them.
"No worries, we could probably just use Pidgeot or Charizard to fly over them" Blue replied while reaching into his pocket for Pidgeot's Poke Ball.
"There's no need for that," a feminine voice said interrupting.
The two looked over to see a large horse-like Pokemon that stood taller than even Red approaching them with a much smaller female with long black hair worn in braids riding it, a smile on her face.
"We can help you out, we're heading in the same direction, hop on!" she said and she brought the Pokémon to a stop and gestured to the back of the animal.
"Don't worry, Mudsdale here is a tough Pokemon" she said confidently."Thanks a lot... uh..." Red replied, he realised she hadn't introduced herself,
"Apologies, I'm Hapu," she said.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Red and this here is Blue. Of course Pikachu and Eevee too" Red responded,
"Likewise, where are you two heading?" she asked them,
Blue jumped into the conversation since he knew where they were going "We're going to Tapu Village" he said.
"Great, I can take you to Route 13. I have a few things to do there but it's just before the village" she responded, still smiling.
Red thanked her again then lifted Pikachu onto Mudsdales back, Blue doing the same with Eevee. Blue then tried to lift himself on, swinging his leg up but failed.
"Do you want me to he-" Red said but Blue quickly interrupted,
"No no, I can do it," he said stubbornly as he proceeded to try it a couple more times as Red and Hapu both watched on at Blue's feeble performance.
Blue gave up, turning to Red defeated "Y-yes please" he almost whispered out of embarrassment, a pout on his face.Red chuckled and cupped his hands together letting Blue use them as a boost up to get onto Mudsdale.
When Blue was up Red held out his hand so Blue could help pull him up. When they were both comfortably on Mudsdale Hapu commanded the Pokemon to start moving.
"Hold on boys, it's going to be a bumpy ride!" she exclaimed, laughing as she did so.
Blue held on to Mudsdale the best he could while Pikachu and Eevee were behind him but in front of Red. Red brought his arms around either side of the Pokemon and held onto Blue's waist.