Part 37

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  Blue woke up but he didn't feel very well rested, he felt a little odd. He tried to roll over onto his side but it almost felt like he was being weighed down, his head felt all fuzzy and his stomach was feeling a little nauseous which made him sit up.

  He looked around the room and saw that the sun hadn't even risen yet, it was still pitch black outside. He stood up unsteadily and walked into the bathroom where he turned on the sink tap and rinsed his mouth out with some cold water before spitting it out. He cupped his hands together and let them fill with the cool water, letting it overflow and run down to his wrists for a moment. He splashed it over his face and then down his neck and chest, it felt really good on his warm skin.

  It helped a little to clear his mind of whatever was going on in there but he still felt strange, like something wasn't quite right. He went back into the bedroom and picked up his phone from beside the bed and glanced at it. It was just past 4:30 am, way too early for him to be awake, especially after not getting much sleep the day before.

  He tossed the phone aside and slipped back into bed next to Red who was sleeping soundly, the occasional gentle snore escaping with his breaths. Blue curled up against Red's warm body again, he slid his arm around his waist and placed his forehead against his back while closing his eyes, trying not to think about what was bothering him or anything else. He just wanted to go back to sleep and try to forget about everything, everything from the past week, everything from the last few years... Well of course not everything, just the bad stuff. It'd make his life a hell of a lot easier if he could forget. But he knew he couldn't do that. Not ever. And even though he desperately wanted to, he knew he would never be able to forget.

  He lost his parents when he was young, too young to remember them well outside of pictures and stories. He and Daisy were able to live with their grandfather, Professor Oak, he raised them the best he could alongside his studies. Daisy grew up to be the sweetest girl you could ask for, always full of joy and happiness, she was also a hard worker and cared deeply about her family, friends and Pokemon.

  Blue also grew to be a hard worker but developed an arrogant and cocky personality that matched his confidence. He had no problem voicing his opinions whether anyone liked it or not, he was often seen as a know-it-all and was not afraid to speak out on issues he thought were important. He also came across as a little rude and selfish by many people, but he didn't care, he never did. But now he realises how much he hurt those close to him and wishes he could take it all back, he should have been more considerate towards everyone. Daisy, Professor Oak, his Pokemon... Red...

  His thoughts lingered on Red, he felt bad for hurting him, not only that but for acting the way he did. Maybe Red wouldn't have left when he did, things could have been different for them if he weren't such an arrogant asshole. Blue tightened his grip around Red's waist, he hated the thought of losing him again. He wanted nothing more than to go back in time and fix everything.

  He stayed like that for a few minutes, letting his mind wander to nothing but his feelings for Red. He thought about Red's great smile, his soft voice and his soft touch with slightly roughed hands. The warm and loving way Red touched him whenever they were together. His whole body warmed at the thought of Red and as his breathing got deeper, he felt his eyes closing, his mind shutting down, and his thoughts turning soft.

  Blue felt himself drifting off to sleep again, his breathing falling into a rhythmic pattern, the warmth from his own body and Red's, mixed with the coolness from the water, putting him into a calm and tranquil state of sleep.

  He didn't know how long he was asleep before he opened his eyes again, something still felt offbeat but couldn't place it. He slowly sat up in bed and looked around the room, his head still feeling like it was stuffed with cotton wool. He noticed that the sun had risen through the window, he took a glance phone and saw it was nearing 8 am.

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