Part 19

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  Red arrived back at the hotel in a taxi, he was way too tired to fly back on Charizard. He paid the driver and thanked him, he then got out as the sun hit his face, he winced as it hurt his eyes more than usual.
  He made his way back up to their hotel room and dragged himself inside fatigued after the events over the last two days.

  Pikachu jumped off Red's shoulder while he let Eevee out of his Poke Ball, He wanted to get into bed straight away but decided it would be better if he showered first.

  Red went into the bathroom and turned on the shower to let it warm up while he took the rest of the Pokemon out of their Poke Ball's "Blue is currently in the hospital and will be until tomorrow... but he's alright" Red explained, placing a hand on Arcanine and Pidgeot, reassuring the Pokemon. 

  He then gave them all food and water and opened the balcony door so the fresh air could circulate through the room for them. He stepped outside and leaned on the railing looking out over the ocean as the sunlight beamed down and a gentle breeze blew around him, he closed his eyes for a minute taking in all the different sounds and the scent of the ocean breeze.

  Red then let out a deep sigh and pushed himself off the railing and stretched, then took himself back inside and kicked off his shoes. He headed into the bathroom, the warm steam hit his face, continued to take off the rest of his clothes throwing them on the floor in an unorganized pile.

  He stepped under the water, it was warm with a cool tone to it, but Red didn't mind. He let the water run down his neck and along his back for a short while then turned, now facing the water he put his head down and under the water as he leaned against the tiled wall, his hands propping him up.

  Red stayed like this for some time, staring at the water as it swirled around his feet. Eventually, he worked up the strength to finish his shower, he worked some shampoo into a lather in his hair then rinse it out then made sure he took some extra time to make sure his body had a good clean. 

  When he was finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed back into the other room, he pulled out some underwear that he could sleep in then sat on the bed, the side Blue would usually sleep. 
  He put his clothes on and used the towel to dry off his hair the best he could before throwing the towel on the floor. Deciding to leave the door to the balcony open he lay down on Blue's side of the bed as Pikachu and Eevee jumped up and ran to his side to curl up with him.

  While Red was exhausted he found it difficult to get to sleep, he felt a sort of emptiness without Blue lying next to him yet found comfort lying where Blue would.
  Red's body was completely exhausted so he was soon asleep with nothing else but Blue on his mind, all he wanted was to have him with him so he could hold him.

  It was around 2pm and Blue was still sat in his hospital bed bored, he took his phone off the table that was over his body and looked through his contacts until he found his sister's name, he pressed the button to dial her and sat while he waited for her to pick up. 

  "Do you have any idea what time it is here?!"

  Blue almost jumped out of the bed completely forgetting about the different timezones.

  "Ah, Dasiy, I'm sorry... I forgot.." Blue gently sniffled,

  "Are you okay? you sound sick?" Dasiy asked

  "Oh, so Red hadn't told you yet?"Blue grinned slightly, he didn't blame Red one bit, he was happier that Red was taking time to look after himself.

  Before Blue could say anything else Daisy interrupted "Hasn't told me what? Blue what's wrong?" she asked in a fuss.

  "Don't worry yourself and don't freak out, let me explain first... I'm in the hospital right now" Blue explained to her,

  "WHY ARE Y-"

  Blue cut her off "I said let me explain!" Blue sniffled again and there was a small silence,

  "Okay, I'm sorry" her voice lowered.

  Blue sighed "I ended up in here because I wasn't drinking enough, my body became dehydrated and I have a cold on top of it... But I'm doing much better now!" Blue quickly reassured his sister.

  Daisy sighed "As long as you're okay, that's all I care about.. and only you could get sick while on vacation" she laughed down the phone.

  "Yeah.. well it was kinda my fault anyway" 

  "How is getting sick your fault?

  Blue hesitated a little feeling embarrassed "I-uh, I sort of went into the ocean in the middle of the night..." he trailed off, there was another silence and then stifled laughter erupted on the other end of the call.

  "What the hell were you doing in the ocean so late?" she asked, continuing to laugh.

  Blue was suddenly hit with more embarrassment as his cheeks began to feel warm "I-uhmm, me and Red.. we sorta.. uh..." he choked up,

  "Ooooo, you gotta give me details, c'mon little bro, are you two y'know.. a thing?"

  "NO... No... I don't know..." Blue was completely flushed.

  "What do you mean you don't know?" Daisy definitely wanted answers,

  Blue let out a deep breath of air while trying to compose himself "We kinda told each other how we felt..."

  "And?" Daisy continued to push for more details,

  "And well, he feels the same way I do about him..." 

A high-pitched squeal erupted from Daisy and Blue had to take the phone away from his ear "Then what?" She asked when she calmed down.

  "I uhh.." Blue was a flustered mess "then.." his voice lowered "Then he kissed me" 

  Daisy screamed louder than before "AHHHH, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

  Blue just let out a nervous laugh "And then I didn't know what to do so ran into the sea and ended up falling" there was another small silence and then the two just laughed together.

  "Wait, so you're not together?" Daisy questioned Blue,

  ", I mean he's continued to be sweet to me and care for me but nothing has really happened since... and neither of us has said anything.." 

  "What happened to my little brother? You were always so confident and weren't afraid to speak your thoughts... You need that back... You do want to be with him right?" 

  Blue didn't hesitate to reply "Of course I do... I just... I don't  know how to-"

  Daisy cut him off again "It's simple, you just need to tell him what you want. You need to communicate with each other otherwise you're not going to get anywhere"

  Blue stayed silent for a moment "Thank you" he said  "Can you please tell Gramps, Dee, too about whats happened... ABOUT THE HOSPITAL PART... I mean.. everything else doesn't matter right now..."

  "Sure I will, I'll tell them in the morning... Speaking of I'm going to go back to sleep, keep me updated though" she replied,

  "I will. See ya," Blue said as he ended the call. 

  He hesitated as he put the phone back down, He wanted to talk to Red now but didn't want to disturb him. He took a breath in and put the phone down "I'm getting out of here today" Blue said, determined. 

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