When they finished unpacking they headed out, deciding to spend the rest of the day at Hano Beach since it was right next to the resort.
They stepped outside, Red's eyes narrowed as the bright rays from the sun hit them, he put his hand across his forehead to block the sun rays.
Blue on the other hand was prepared
"Should have brought yourself some shades" Blue said cockily."I'll be fine, I'm more concerned about this heat anyway... I think I'm going to head back to the room and change quick" Red gesturing at his jeans, changing into something more suitable completely slipped his mind.
Blue just laughed "You're not very smart when it's not about Pokemon",
Red rolled his eyes at him in response
"Just take these and find somewhere we can sit, preferably with some shade"
Red handed Blue two Pokeballs "Charizard is in one of them, you can let him out, Lapras is in the other, but keep him in for now. I won't be long" Red gestured a wave as he walked back towards to hotel."Yeah yeah, I got it," Blue said even though Red couldn't hear him at this point.
He walked down onto the sand and looked around, he could see the lifeguard sitting at the top of the lifeguard chair, people were on the beach soaking up the rays and some were in the water playing and swimming.
Blue spotted a space underneath a large parasol 'Perfect' he thought "C'mon Eevee, that's the perfect spot!" Eevee happily followed along, both of them weaving between the people and Pokemon that were scattered on the beach.Blue finished laying down a couple of beach towels the hotel provided, He called out Red's Charizard and his own Arcanine, he thought they'd both enjoy some of this tropical sun.
He sat down with the Pokemon waiting for red to return when a man caught his attention, Blue watched him for a little while. He seemed to be picking things up and throwing them into the ocean, curious he went over.
"Hey there, what are these things and what are you doing with them?" Blue asked, noticing a small black mass in the male's hand"Alola! not from around here are ya... These are Pyukumuku, they are Pokemon that live in the sea but sometimes they come ashore, but if they stay out of the water too long.." The man pauses, throwing the Pykumuku in the ocean "They dry out in the hot sun"
"Ooh, I see.. want some help?" Blue asked and began to look for Pyukumuku along the beach.
"That'd be a great help, thank you, young man!"
Blue just grinned at the man before spotting one, as he picked it up he nearly dropped it again "Eww, slimy aren't they?".
The man laughed
"They sure are, that's what protects them while they are out of the ocean, but only for so long".Blue got the hang of holding one without dropping it he threw it back into the ocean,
"Great job" Then threw a 'thumbs up' in Blue's direction, Blue returned this with a grin while looking for more.A few Pyukumuku later and Red had just made his way back to the beach, now wearing shorts and flip flops. He looked around for Blue but couldn't see him, neither could Pikachu.
After a short while, he spotted his Charizard with Arcanine and Eevee
"Where's Blue gone Eevee?""Eee" The Pokemon got up, wanting Red to follow him. After picking up his other Pokeball Eevee directed Red to Blue and just as he saw him he jogged over.
"Hey Blue!" Red shouted, this startled Blue causing him to nearly drop the Pyukumuku he had in his hand that he had swung back ready to throw.
The Pyukumuku had also become startled, its guts almost hitting Blue, causing him to fall back into the sand. Red tried not to laugh but couldn't help himself, neither could Pikachu or Eevee.