Blue rang the buzzer that was next to his bed to get someone's attention, soon after a nurse came to see him.
"Anything I can do to help?" she asked as she approached his bed.
"I want to be out of here, today" he looked straight at her while he responded,
"I don't have the authority to tell you if it's safe for you to leave yet but I'll get the doctor to come and see you as soon as he can, he can tell you if it's fine for you to leave" she responded as she checked his notes then left the room.Blue sighed and was left waiting again, he sank back into his pillows "I just want to get back to the hotel... No, I want to be back with Red" Blue said softly to himself, his face becoming ever so slightly warm at the thought of Red's arms.
Blue decided to look through the channels on the TV because he knew he might be waiting a while, he knows how busy hospitals can be. While finding something to watch the local news channel caught his attention, he narrowed his eyes and leaned forward a little, not like it made a difference.
"That looks like the Battle Dome" he leaned forward slightly more "It is! Wait, is that.. Red's Charizard?" The clip showed Charizard flying up revealing his trainer behind him "Well would you look at that" Blue grinned "Made the news" he laughed. He continued to watch since he didn't have anything else to do. It excited Blue to watch Red battle again, despite being there when it happened he just loved seeing Red be himself.The next shot was from the awards ceremony they held at the end of the event, Blue laughed softly at Red's awkward smile as he received his trophy for winning the event. Then the camera panned over the crowd and Blue saw himself sat right at the front of the sea of people.
He sat back after seeing how sickly he looked, he felt guilty again, he knew all this was his fault. Blue decided that as soon as he was well enough he would make it up to Red, especially for all the effort he put in to look after him.Before Blue could make himself feel any worse the doctor came into the room "So, you want to be discharged today?" He said as he walked over to the bed.
"Y-yes sir, if it's possible. I've been doing much better now and if I'm honest I don't exactly want to stay here much longer" Blue replied, eager to leave.
"I see, let me check over your record from your stay with us... Your vitals look okay on here" The doctor said while looking at the ECG "I can take you off this now for a start" he took the pads off Blue's chest and turned off the machine.
"Okay, I'll need to take your temperature too" He took out a thermometer and checked Blue's temperature.
After a few moments of waiting "Ah, good. Your temperature is fine" The doctor moved to the end of the bed and picked up Blue's notes while Blue sat waiting. There were a few "Uhm's" and "Ah's" until the doctor finally finished reading them.
"I'm comfortable in saying it's safe for you to leave" The doctor smiled at him,
Blue's face brightened up "A-ah, thanks doc!"
"You're welcome" he laughed "I'll have a nurse bring you your clothes, we had them cleaned here since you don't have any more with you. Be sure to keep eating and drinking as normal and take paracetamol to reduce any pain while you continue to recover from your cold" he smiled as he began to leave the room.
"I will, thank you" Blue replied as he left.Blue gathered the small number of belongings he had with him and sat on the edge of the bed while he waited for the nurse.
"I should probably tell Red I'm being discharged, hmm.." Blue thought for a moment "Actually I think I'll keep it as a surprise" he grinned.
Soon after one of the nurses arrived with Blue's clothes and his discharge papers, he thanked her and she left so he could change.When Blue was dressed he turned off the TV and put his items into his pockets. He left the room and thanked the nurses at the main desk in the ward where he was treated.
He felt a little shaky on his feet since he'd been lying in a bed for a long time, but assured himself he would be fine.
When he got outside he was relieved to see a few taxies already free, he walked up to the side of one that had its window open "Can you take me to the Hano Grand Resort please?" he asked the driver.
"Sure thing, get in"the driver responded, he waited for Blue to get in and put his seatbelt on then set off.The ride back was quiet but Blue was actually nervous but he wasn't sure why but he knew he was eager to get back to Red.
The cab slowly pulled into the front of the resort, Blue paid the diver "Thanks, keep the change" Blue smiled back.
"Thanks" the driver threw him a quick wave then pulled away. Blue looked up at the resort and let out a breath of air and made his way inside.When Blue reached their hotel room he took his key out and hesitated for a moment, he wasn't sure what Red was even doing right now. He let out a sigh and slowly unlocked the door, being as quiet as he could be. He gently pushed the door open and looked in, he couldn't see anyone yet.
He shut the door behind him as quietly as possible then took off his shoes. He walked further into the room and could see some of Red's stuff strewn across the floor and when Blue looked at the bed he could see Red, he seemed to be asleep facing away from where Blue was stood.Blue had a warm expression on his face, he made his way over to the other side of the bed, and just then Pikachu and Eevee both popped their heads up, both were excited to see Blue, and just before either of them could let outa sound Blue held his finger to his lips "Shhhh".
When he got to the other side Pikachu and Eevee stood in front of him, he bent down and pet both of them, both of their tails wagged excitedly "He better have taken good care of you both" Blue whispered and quietly laughed.
He stood up again and the two Pokemon moved to of his way as he slipped into the bed underneath the sheets, he carefully edged himself closer to Red until they were about an inch apart.When Blue realised Red was only in his underwear he felt that butterfly feeling in his stomach and his face became warm, his mind instantly went wild but he knew he had to calm down.
Blue took a breath in, calmed himself, and edged closer ever so gently, pressing his forehead against Red's and carefully putting his arm over him.
Red began to murmur a little, Blue couldn't make out any of the words clearly but then heard him say "Blue".
Blue melted hearing him say his name, even if he was asleep. Once Red had calmed back down Blue let himself relax and his eyes slowly closed, the two slept and Pikachu and Eevee had both settled down again too.