Blue woke a little while later, opening his eyes to see Eevee under his arm, snuggled against him. He looked up, Red was sat next to him, now wearing a t-shirt with Pikachu on his lap while he was reading.
He watched Red's face for a moment, studying his concentration.
"How long have I been asleep?" Blue yawned as he sat himself up.Red carefully turned a page in his book "Not long, half an hour maybe?"
Blue yawned again then swung his legs over the side of the bed, he stood up and made his way over to the bathroom.Red continued to read, hearing nothing but silence for a small while.
"WHAT IN THE?..." Blue shouted from the other room.Red, startled, put his book down, took Pikachu off his lap and hurried to the bathroom. He opened the door and saw Blue standing in the mirror pulling at the neckline of his shirt.
"Blue, are you okay?" Red asked in a panic.Blue turned to him and pointed at a mark that was small yet noticeable and dark in colour, "Look what you've done".
Red held his hands up with a sheepish expression "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I-" he said softly.
Blue cut him off "I can't go out with this, people will see it.. What if I run into Samson or the professor, what would they think?" Blue groaned.Red moved closer to Blue to make an attempt at calming him but Blue stopped him by grabbing onto his shirt "You are going to go to the mart and get me something to cover this up" Blue said almost desperately.
"Well I guess it's only fair" Red replied looking abashed.
"You're damned right it is" Blue responded, releasing his grip on Red and going back to the bed in a huff.
Red grabbed himself a clean pair of jeans and sat on the bed in front of Blue "So what is it you're going to need because I haven't got a clue" he asked while getting dressed.
Blue told Red to look at the makeup they had and to look for some foundation that matched his skin tone.Red looked out the glass doors of the balcony before he left, the weather had mostly let up but there was still a drizzle. He looked at his case and sighed "I didn't bring anything for this kind of weather" he said, almost pouting.
Blue pointed to his case "There's a hoodie in my case that you can borrow" he said as he frowned at Red. His expression changed as Eevee put himself into his lap wanting attention from his trainer.
Red shook his head gently and smiled in response "Thanks". He was met with no reply from Blue who was now petting Eevee. He called Pikachu to him then headed out.
When Blue heard the door closed he softly sighed and places his fingers where the small bruise was "I'm not mad at him, I couldn't be" his face began to feel warm "I'm embarrassed more than anything" he said as he scoffed.
He looked down at a confused Eevee and smiled "Now let's have a look" he said, pulling his laptop back to him, opening it to the same page he left it on. He looked through a few different sites before finding one that showed off the sites of Ula'ula Island.
"Malie City that has Malie Garden, Hokulani Observatory, Blush Mountain... There's even a gym based on Surge's gym?" Blue chuckled to himself "I'm sure Red would love that one" he laughed a little more.After looking through the site some more his eyes set on one particular place of interest, Starfall Hill, it looked beautiful just from the pictures and reminded Blue of the previous night. The stars alone were gorgeous but Blue felt so special when Red took him out to sea on Lapras, the stars bounced off the ocean, it felt like they stepped into a painting and Blue was left in awe.
He felt his face grow warmer as he thought about the night, then thew his face into his hands as his mind continued to their events of today's afternoon.