Part 25

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Slight mature warning!

"So now what?" Blue asked finishing up his food.

Red who had already finished prior to Blue had turned on the TV and was looking for something to watch "I don't know, but you're going to have to find something to entertain yourself,"

"Bleh, fine..." Blue looked around the room then remembered he brought his laptop with him. He got up and grabbed it from his suitcase and walked back to the bed with a grin on his face.

Red saw and got suspicious of his expression "What are you up to?" he asked Blue,

"Me? nothing" Blue laughed and sat on the bed so the screen was facing away from Red, he decided to check out some websites to find some more things he and Red could do, Blue smiled just thinking at all the things Red had done for him since they'd reunited.

Red became even more curious when he saw Blue's expression change, he tried to peek over but Blue was on guard,

"No looking! You're not allowed to see,"

Red jokingly pouted "Aww, that's not fair" he laughed "Why not?"

"Because I said so and if you love me you'll trust me" Blue grinned and stuck his tongue out at Red.

"Real mature" Red joked "Fine, but you owe me" Red grinned back making Blue blush. Blue didn't say anything and quickly looked down at the screen scrolling through a few of the search results.

Red ended up switching over to the news and saw himself up on stage at the Battle Dome "Wait, I-I...."

Blue looked up "Oh yeah, I saw this yesterday"


"Yeah, it was on the news, I watched it while I was still in the hospital, you were a big hit y'know" Blue continued to say.

"Aghh, I hate being shown so publicly" Red huffed,

"It's your own fault for being such a damned good trainer" Blue laughed gently.

Red glared at him, Blue put his hands in the air "Hey, hey, it's not my fault, I didn't know it was going to be such a big deal" that was true, Red couldn't be mad at him for it.

"C-can I ask why you don't like it so much?" Blue asked softly.

Red sighed and hesitated "I just... It was never really a problem in Kanto, kid's on their Pokemon journeys, who cares right? Sure it got a little hectic when I beat the league but I didn't stick around too long so I wasn't bothered by anyone" Red let out a breath of air "While in Sinnoh I was invited to Unova, just a short stay. For a competition.. the Pokemon World Tournament.."

Blue felt his heart drop, he knew the one... "I, I was there too..." He said softly, there was a silence,

Red looked down at his hands "I know.."

"I didn't know until they called your name" Blue scoffed a laugh,

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't have the guts to face you" Red couldn't look at him he felt the same guilt he felt that day.

Blue slowly reached over and put a hand on his thigh then let out a gentle sigh "I thought we were past apologising for the past?" He said softly as he looked at Red and smiled.

Red slowly looked back at him, having his own words thrown back at him gave him relief.

Red threw his arms around Blue thankful for his forgiveness, he didn't have to forgive him for his cowardly actions but he did.

Blue responded by holding Red too "So, going to finish your story?"

Red threw his face into Blue's neck "... Well when it was all over there was a lot of media coverage. So much so, on one of the days I was still there, a crowd had formed when I was seen near my hotel and I was overwhelmed, there was a lot of being pushed around and I had Pikachu on my shoulder" Red sighed "He... He was knocked off and injured in the group of people... I had to grab Pikachu and run to the nearest Pokemon Centre for help, the group of people hadn't even realised what had happened."

Pikachu came up to them from the end of the bed and shoved his face between a gap between the two men when Red realised he let go of Blue and picked up Pikachu, petting him.

"Luckily he made a full recovery" Red looked on the positive and held Pikachu up so he was facing Blue.

"Pika!" Pikachu squealed, Blue smiled and pet him,

"I understand..." Blue trailed off "Well don't worry about any of that, I'm here to keep back the fans!" Blue exclaimed throwing his fist up.

Red's smile broke into a laugh "You're an idiot" He put Pikachu down and hugged Blue again "I love you,"

Blue brought his hand down and put it on Red's back "I love you too, champ!" Blue joked in an attempt to cheer up Red.

Red pushed him away "Eugh, how many times?" He laughed,

"As many times to last you your lifetime" Blue grinned

"I don't know if I can deal with that" Red joked.

"Well too bad" Blue grinned, he closed the laptop and pushed it aside then pounced towards Red pushing him down onto his back which made Red knock his book off the bedside table where it had been.

"Look what you made me do" Red laughed,

Blue climbed over Red placing his hands just above his shoulders and leaned into his neck while he had it exposed, he took a deep breath to calm himself a little. Then softly kissed Red's neck which made his laughing stop, Blue's kisses got heavier with fewer stops in between.

Red couldn't do anything but bite his lip while trying to contain his moans, but inevitably his body gave in, Red let out a deep but gentle moan.

Blue stopped, lifting his head and facing Red, both their cheeks were pink but Blue didn't hesitate, he wanted to taste Red and he was hungry for more of him. He looked at his soft lips and leaned in, but his right hand slipped and Blue fell, Red managed to catch him the best he could but Blue still hit Red's chin with his forehead.

They both winced,

"You're so clumsy" Red laughed harmlessly,

Blue's face grew warmer "S-shut up.. It was an accident" he was embarrassed.

"I know" Red smiled pushing himself up onto his elbows "You... wanna carry on?" He asked, he hoped to, it was one of the first times Blue was more open with their relationship and Red loved it.

Blue didn't say anything so Red reached up and pulled him back down, his lips colliding with Blue's. He kissed him as he wanted to be kissed "I forgive you" Red said between kisses, his breath heavy and Blue quickly gave in.

It was soft, moist... hot, they kissed each other in union enjoying the closeness only parting for quick gasps of air. Red had his arm's around Blue's neck and was smiling under his kisses, he was in heaven.

Blue broke their contact and pulled back, both of them gasped for air, a small strand of saliva that connected them broke too. Blue moved back, brushing against Red making him take a deep breath in while he bit his lip.
Blue wanted more, he was ready for more and he wanted to give Red more. He sat over Red's knees and teased the waistband of his shorts, lightly brushing over Red every so often. He looked at Red and grinned at his weak expression "Mind if I?".

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