After they ate, Blue completely stuffing himself again, they headed back to their hotel room for the night since it was pretty late at this point.
Red swiped the key card opening the door, as he entered he took off his cap, placing it on a small table nearby with Blue following him in "Think I'm going to shower I smell like the ocean" Red pulled a face of slight disgust "Do you need to use the bathroom at all?" Red asked blue, kicking off his flip flops.
"Nah, you go ahead, I'm just going to sleep, I'm exhausted... Plus my cousin want's me to visit him tomorrow morning so I need the sleep, you gonna come along?"Blue replied.
"Yeah, I'm fine with that, plus we can explore Melemele island after" Red smiled, entering the bathroom.
"Yeah, sure thing" Blue weakly replied, he threw off his shirt and almost collapsed onto the bed as he got under the thin blanket provided, it was way too hot to get under the quilt.
Since Red was in the shower and Eevee was now in its Pokeball, Pikachu decided to lay in the middle of the bed, right net to Blue's head
"Pik-aaa" Pikachu gently yawned and curled up, Blue opened his eyes slightly and smiled at the Pokemon before falling asleep himself.A small while later Red had finished in the shower, he dried off and threw on the pajama pants that he decided to get ready earlier on in the day.
He opened the door quietly since he hadn't heard any noise coming from the room since he finished and sure enough, he saw that Blue was asleep, Pikachu was curled up on the bed too.
Red smiled at them both and quietly walked past the bed and to the balcony at the other side of the room, quietly opening the sliding door and leaving it open behind him as he stepped foot outside.He leaned on the rail of the balcony, there was a warm breeze that felt cool on his damp hair.
Looking up at the sky, the moon was now bright, he sighed. Red had a lot on his mind too 'I'm not going to overthink things, I don't want to ruin this trip..' he thought "..With you.." he said softly looking down now, playing with his thumbs.He was interrupted when he heard Pikachu "Pi-ka?"
Red turned and put his head through the door "You okay Pikachu?" He said softly, Pikachu didn't reply but moved over to Blue who had begun moving quite a bit in his sleep.
Red quietly shut the door behind him as he came back in to make sure Blue was fine. Putting his hand on Blue's arm, he gently tried to wake him "Blue... Blue.." He wouldn't wake, but said something inaudible and settled back down. Red sighed and looked at Pikachu, he got into the other side of the bed being careful not to disturb Blue.A little while passed, Red couldn't sleep, he was tired but his mind wouldn't shut off. He always knew some things for definite but he began to feel more after reconnecting with Blue but he couldn't say anything, he didn't want Blue out of his life again.
His thoughts had been interrupted again, Blue was stirring again. Red didn't know what to do so turned to face Blue's body and put his arm over him. He pulled him slightly towards him "It's fine.. I-I'm here" and with that Blue calmed down again. Red smiled and was finally able to sleep.The next morning Blue was the first to wake up, he was a little dazed and it took him a moment to realise there was a weight over him.
He rubbed his eyes with his palm "mmhhh" then rolled over to face Red's direction only to be met with a face full of Pikachu, just then he felt the weight around him hold tighter as he was pulled a little closer.Then he realised 'Oh crap' he looked over his body to confirm his guess, yep, Red had him in his arm, Blue because silently panicked, his face flushed red 'Agh, what do I do? I don't want to wake him... There's no escape if I don't wake him, should I just pretend to sleep again? Gahhh I don't know' Blue fought with his thoughts. He decided he would try to sleep again but he couldn't, so instead, he decided he would try sliding his way out.
Partway through his task, an alarm started blaring from his phone that was on a set of drawers next to the bed. Blue was startled, it couldn't be helped 'I completely forgot I set an alarm for today' he thought.
At this point the noise had Woken Red, his eyes barely opened but he could see Blue in some weird position having tried to escape Red's grasp.
He quickly let go in embarrassment "I-I'm sorry, I jus-you were unsettled last night... I couldn't wake you and that... That-calmed you down.." Red threw his face into his pillow, bright red in embarrassment.Blue was just as embarrassed at this point and he couldn't get mad 'He didn't mean anything by it-nope, absolutely not, he was just helping me out' Blue sighed, "It-it's fine... I uhh... Thanks... For calming me down..."
Blue sat on the bed, his back turned away from Red.Red looked back up at Blue a little "It's not... I shouldn't have..."Red started to say but Blue cut him off.
"It is... I uh... I sometimes have these dreams... They're unpleasant..." Red was looking at blue properly now, the sunlight was beaming onto Blues back.
Red sat up and put his hand on Blues shoulder making Blue turn to him "If there's ever anything you want to- want to talk about, I'm here now." Red said smiling at Blue, no matter how red his face still was.Blue felt himself melt inside but he had to keep his composure "Thanks... Red.." He stood up and stretched "We'd better get ready before we miss breakfast!"
"Oh, right. Sure thing!" Red responded, nearly jumping off the bed. They both got dressed and were ready to set off for the day, Red followed behind Blue down to the restaurant but he couldn't help but worry for Blue now... He knew something was bothering him and that unsettled Red.