Part 14

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  That morning Blue was greeted with an unpleasant headache, he didn't move or get up right away but when he finally did he realised that Red wasn't beside him.

  He sat up and let himself adjust to the morning sunlight that crept in, Eevee came up to Blue wanting to be pet, Blue smiled and complied.

  A few minutes passed and Blue got up and out of bed, checking the TIME
  '7:36, what could Red be doing up so early?' Blue thought, he walked over to the balcony, drawing the curtains he winced at the harsh sunlight hitting his face.
  Once his eyes had become used to the light he checked on the balcony, nothing. He went over to the bathroom and knocked on the closed door when he received no reply he opened the door "Not here either, where could he be?" Blue said to himself.

  He grabbed his phone deciding to call him, he waited for a few moments after pressing the call button and sighed when he heard ringing come from across the room.
  "Of course he left his phone" Blue rolled his eyes but laughed gently.

  He got himself a glass of cold water to help ease his throat, it had been a little sore since he woke up, then decided to sit on one of the chairs in a shaded part on the balcony.
  Eevee had jumped up onto his lap and let out a small squeal before curling up and going back to sleep while Blue stroked his fur.

  A little time passed, Blue was now slouched a little with a hand on Eevee and his head resting on the other, his eyes closed. He had fallen asleep again but was startled awake when he felt a weight press on his shoulder.
His body jerked which also startled Eevee awake
  "Oh, fuahhh-" Blue then heard that familiar honeyed laugh.

  He took a few seconds to come to since he still had a painful headache
"Blue, are you okay? And what are you doing out here so early?" he heard Red ask, sounding slightly breathless.

  Blue gently waved his hand in the air in response "I'll be fine, I just have a headache and I came out here looking for yo- wait a second... The question is what are YOU doing up so early?"

  Red just laughed at him gently "Me? I ah, I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep.. So I decided I'd go for a run, Pikachu came too" this was mostly true, except that Red had been awake most of that night after what happened, he could barely sleep, his mind raced with so much excitement and joy.

  Blue turned to face Red as he continued to talk, he practically melted on the spot 'He's just so... Aghh.. hot' he thought as he took in the view of Red in a grey tank top clinging tightly to his body.

  "I'm going to shower and change and then if you like we can go for breakfast?"

  Blue only nodded, subconsciously biting his own lip.

  Red saw and blushed a little, letting out a light, nervous laugh "Get yourself dressed, I won't be long" he said as he turned and headed for the bathroom.

  Not ten minutes later and Red was exiting the bathroom with a towel that draped over his shoulders.
  "Have anything you'd like to do today? I've got a couple of ideas" Red said to Blue while he towel-dried his hair, pulling the towel over his head, his hair was damp and messy.

  "Ahh, cute" Blue quietly said,

  "What was that?" Red asked while putting his cap on, pushing his hair down almost into its regular style.

  "I said I don't have anything, in particular, I want to do today, you can decide, what do you have in mind?"

  "I'll explain over breakfast if that's fine with you?" Red responded unconvinced by Blue's reply.

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