Part 33

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  After landing just in front of Malie City, Blue guided Red to one of the buildings near the entrance of the city, it was a restaurant.

  "Sushi High Roller," Red said while reading off the restaurant's sign, "Sounds great" he continued with a smile.

  "Then let's eat, I'm getting hungry too" Blue chuckled.

  As they entered the restaurant they were met with a calm atmosphere, the room itself was designed similarly a zen garden.

  A waiter greeted them and took them to an empty table, Red pulled out a seat for Blue. They both sat down and the waiter handed them both a menu each.

  "I'll be back over soon to take your orders," he said with a welcoming smile before leaving to check on other tables.

  The menu had different Z-Kaiseki dishes on offer. Blue ordered the Samurai set and Red ordered the Ronin set.

  A little while later their food arrived, multiple intricate sushi dishes were set down in front of them. They thanked the waiter for their food and dug in, indulging themselves in the delectable arrangement of food.

  "Don't take too long eating" Blue said between bites "We have somewhere else to be after this".

  Red finished eating a piece of his sushi before responding,
  "Really? The sun's already started to go down" Red replied curiously as the day was already in the early evening and the sun had started to set.

  "Mhm!" Blue responded with a nod, his voice muffled by the mouthful of food he was cramming down.

  "And I'm not allowed to know what, right?" Red replied almost sarcastically,

  Blue swallowed his food, "You're getting good at this" he laughed.

  Red chuckled in response and continued eating his food.

 When they finished the waiter cleared their table and asked if they'd like anything else.

  Before he could finish asking, Blue was already getting ready to leave
  "No thanks, we have somewhere to be" Blue replied while taking his wallet out of his pocket "I am ready to pay though," he said with a warm smile.

  Blue handled the bill but Red was still left wondering what else they were going to be doing this evening since Blue was full of surprises today.

  They thanked their waiter and exited the restaurant, stepping into the cool breeze the sunset brought with it.

  Blue checked the time then grabbed Red by the wrist and pulled him along,
  "We need to hurry or we'll miss it," Blue said as he hurried them both out of Malie City.

  Red was more befuddled than ever in the rush but kept up with Blue pulling him along.

  Now on Route 10 Blue slowed down and let go of Red,
  "We need to go there, there's a bus that's going to take us up Mount Hokulani," Blue said and gestured to a group of people waiting at a bus stop and then up at the mountain towards the end of the route.

  They joined the group but didn't have to wait long for the bus. When it arrived everyone piled on. Friends, couples, and families filled the atmosphere with excitement.

  Red was sitting next to the window so watched out of it as the bus headed up the mountain. He could hear people talking about "Hokulani Observatory" which gave him a very obvious answer as to where they were going, but he also heard them say "Minior" a lot. Red didn't know what that meant, he thought about asking Blue but stopped himself,
  'He probably won't tell me anyway' He thought with a gentle sigh and a soft smile. He was still grateful for the effort Blue had put into the day for them.

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