Part 22

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  Red still had questions for Blue, as far as he knew Blue shouldn't even be sat eating with him right now, but he decided to hold off and let Blue enjoy his dinner.
  "Looks like you're making a good recovery" Red laughed gently while gesturing at Blue's usual mountain-sized portion of food.

  "Doctors orders" Blue laughed "But yeah, I'm feeling much better and as long as I keep eating and drinking well I should be completely better in no time" He smiled then shoveled more food in his mouth, Red laughed again then continued to eat his own food.

  They finished up and headed out of the dining room and Red turned in the direction back to their hotel room. Blue gently grabbed onto his shirt which brought Red to a standstill.

  "Everything alright?" he asked Blue softly as he turned to face him,

  "Y-yeah, it's just..." Blue looked down at the floor as he responded, he thought Red would try and stop him and insist he stayed in to recover "I want to go out for a little while...that's all".

  "Sure thing, where do you want to go?" Red replied, Blue looked up at Red who was smiling gently at him, Blue smiled back.

  "I just want to go to the beach, don't worry I won't be doing any late-night swimming this time" he laughed nervously,

  "Alright, let's go" Red smiled at him and pat Blue's shoulder as he started to walk towards the main exit of the resort.

  They stepped outside, the sun was just beginning to set and the air was cooler than earlier's harsh heat. They walked towards the beach, a cool breeze blew around them.

"Anything, in particular, you want to do?" Red asked turning his head slightly towards Blue,

  "Not really, I just wanted to get out for a little while" Blue replied as he looked up at the setting sky.

  "I see..." Red trailed off and there was a silence for a moment, Blue could see that Red was thinking and was about to ask what he was thinking about but before he could Red spoke up again, "C'mon, I have an idea I think you'll enjoy" Red said with a cheerful smile on his face, Blue was completely clueless but went along with Red's plan.

  They approached the shoreline and Red took Blue by surprise when he decided to take his shoes off

"I think you should do the same if you don't want them to get wet" Red said to Blue in a sort of mischievous tone.

Blue hesitated to listen to Red because he had no idea what he was thinking but eventually followed suit.

  Blue took off his shoes and placed them with Red's just out of the waters reach "I don't know what you're up to but-" he looked back at Red who had now taken Lapras out of it's Pokeball, he was petting Lapras on it's chin and neck as Lapras let out a happy cry as the gentle waves lapped around them.

  Blue smiled gently and walked towards them, Red has now climbed onto Lapras' shell, he held his hand out to Blue with a smile. Blue accepted the help and Red pulled him up beside him.

  "Let's go Lapras" Red said and Lapras set off slowly swimming out further into the ocean.
  "So what are we doing out here?" Blue asked, Red just smiled at him.

  "Look" Red replied and gestured to the surrounding area,

Blue hadn't taken much notice but the sky around him was now a warm orange, the sun was a crisp circle sat gently above the meek waves, it almost felt like they could touch it.

  "Softly the evening came with the sunset," Red said softly,

  "Poetic" Blue playfully mocked,

  "I don't see you coming up with anything better" Red laughed, putting his arm around Blue and pulling him into his chest. 

  There was silence for a while, the sun sinking lower and the gentle waves rocking them. Red leaned on Lapras' shell and Blue was resting his head on Red's shoulder, both of them looking up and watching the sky as it slowly changed

  "It's not just a sunset, it's a moonrise too" Blue piped up.

  Red laughed softly "At least you tried," 

  "Hey, I think it was pretty good if I do say so myself" Blue laughed but still proud at his attempt.

Suddenly Red pulled out his phone from his pocket.

  "What's wrong?" Blue asked,

  "I completely forgot to tell anyone at home what happened to you" Red replied frantically as he looked through his contacts.

 Blue placed his hand over Red's and his phone, lowering them "It's fine.." Blue said softly "I spoke to Daisy while I was in the hospital, I asked her to pass the news on" Blue looked up at Red as Red was met with relief.

  "Oh good, does she know you're out now?"

  Blue let out a gentle sigh "Not yet but that can wait right now, please don't worry yourself" Blue said, placing his other hand on top of theirs. Red let out a breath of air then smiled "Sure thing" he said.

  They both sat under the changing sky talking about little things, Red wanted to make sure Blue was as comfortable as he could be with him and held Blue around his waist.

"Th-thank you.." Blue said softly and looked up at the sky, stars had begun to appear as the warm orange was being taken over by the cool blue sky.

  "Huh?" Red replied a little confused,

  "Thank you, just, for everything..." Blue put his own arms around Red's waist and buried his head deeper into his chest and closed his eyes "I mean it, and I'm sorry... Sorry for everything,"

  Red lifted his hand from Blue's waist and put it on Blue's head pushing his fingers through his hair, "You have nothing to apologise for, I thought we were past all that now?"
Red softly chuckled.

  "W-well yeah... I just wanted to make sure you know that I really do mean it,"

  "I know" Red softly responded,

  "Good" Blue sniffled and smiled up at him.

  They drifted on the gentle waves for a while longer until the sky was completely dotted with bright lights, the ocean mimicked the sky and the two along with Lapras were lost in between.
  "I'd love to stay out here and look at the stars longer but I'm getting pretty tired" Blue yawned,
  "Okay, let's go back" Red sat up still holding onto Blue "Let's go Lapras"
Lapras let out a cry and made it's way back to the shore.

  When they got back near the beach Red jumped off Lapras and helped Blue down. He pets Lapras and called him back into his Pokeball.

  Once they both put their shoes back on Red held his hand out to Blue "C'mon, let's get you to bed" Red softly smiled and Blue took his hand and they walked back up the beach and to the hotel hand in hand.

(Art Source: https://mieudiary

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