Red had felt more and more nervous as time went on, he had already packed and was just waiting for Blue to arrive, 'What if he changed his mind?' Red thought sat anxiously twiddling his thumbs until a knock at the door snapped him out of it. "I'll get it!" Red called to his mother as he dashed for the door, taking a deep breath as he opened it "You actually came" Red blurted out.
"Well I said I would, didn't I?"
"Y-yes, sorry, a feeling came over me, I thought you might have changed your mind.." Red exclaimed.
"It's fine, and I totally didn't forget about your birthday and didn't have time to get a gift but I thought we could at least have a drink together?" Blue asked, lifting a case of beer higher in his hand.
Red hadn't noticed at first, he'd had his focus on Blue "So, you gonna invite me in or what?"
"Oh, yeah, of course," Red laughed nervously, letting Blue inside.
Red showed him to a spot at the table, blue sat while Dee welcomed him
"You're just in time, dinners ready!"After they all finished dinner, Red helped his mother clean up, after which she left the two alone so they could catch up.
They sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, neither really knew what to put on so a documentary based on recent Pokemon research was left to play.Blue handed Red a drink and took one himself "So, what have you been doing since, well... you left.."
Red thought for a moment, "I'm sure you know I revoked my champion title to go and train on Mount Silver... I was there for a while, a long while..."
"Yeah, and you didn't even care to tell or call your own mom, no one knew where you went and she was worried so I'd come to check on her now and then" Blue exclaimed.
Red could feel Blues frustration at him but he smiled slightly and looked down "I know you did, and for that I am grateful" Red says, now looking right at Blue "I was young, I made mistakes... I should never have left without telling anyone but I did what felt right at the time" Red explained.
"Staying on a mountain for years with minimal contact felt right to you? You had people here who missed you, you made m- I, uhh.. us, you made us all worry."
Red caught on Blue's 'correction', 'So I really made him worry huh?' Red thought to himself, "I know and I apologise for my disappearance but I really didn't know what to feel at the time, You weren't talking to me and there wasn't much else for me to do, so I just took off to train, I did come back for a couple of weeks and then decided to travel other regions ya know... Johto, Sinnoh then Hoenn." Red explained to Blue.
"And you didn't care to say anything?" Blue challenged him, even though he already knew this because Dee filled him in on what she could, he wanted to hear it from Red himself.
Red sighed "I already told you, I thought you hated me.. for the longest time I truly believed that so I avoided you... But I have to say, despite everything, it made myself and my Pokemon stronger than ever" giggled Red lightly, he took another drink, realising his first was now finished.
"Oh really? Then you'd better prove it... Champ" Blue grinned, getting a little cocky.
Red felt it was a dig at him but didn't let it get to him, he deserved that one, instead he looked straight at Blue a grin across his own face "You bet".
There was a small silence as they both just looked at each other, neither could hold their expressions and let out stifled laughs.Drinks still flowed and they spoke about some of Red's other adventures in the other regions then Red said to Blue "That's enough about me, what have you been doing? Professor Oak says you've been spending less time at the gym and that... you no longer want to run it.."
"Agh, that old man can't keep quiet about anything..." Blue let out a sigh, opening another drink and leaning back "I became the leader of the Viridian gym shortly after I-you became champion, they needed a replacement and I wasn't doing anything else... But I got bored, I traveled when I could around Kanto, mostly down to Cinnabar island and to the Seafoam islands... I just, want to do more ya know?
Red put a hand on Blue's knee for a moment "Yeah, I know".
The two talked here and there a bit longer, still drinking and watching more of the documentary, it was around 11pm at this point, they'd both been quiet for a while now but unbeknown to Blue, Red had fallen asleep, until his body shifted a little, Red's head had landed on Blue's shoulder.
Blue's body tensed up for a moment and his face began to feel warm, he realised Red was asleep and he calmed down "I guess it has been a long day for you, plus, the drinks won't have helped".
He then did something even unexpected to himself, he lightly ran his free hand through Red's hair 'Crap, what am I doing?' he thought, Blue quickly pulled his hand away.
As nervous as Blue was he didn't want to disturb Red so he carefully reached for the remote and turned off the TV, trying to sleep himself, his mind raced that night, he couldn't take his mind off his.. 'friend? yeah, friend' until he eventually fell into a slumber himself.