Approaching the Battle Dome a multitude of people and Pokémon could be seen heading towards the dome too "Looks like it's going to be busy" Blue said.
"Yeah, I hope we can get some good seats" replied Red with a gentle laugh.
As they entered the two looked around in awe, it was large and full of people.
"There's the line to buy tickets, let's hurry before they sell out" Red pointed towards one of the desks.
"Yeah, okay" Blue responded while taking a Poké ball out of his pocket calling Eevee out, then picking him up
"You'll enjoy this too" Blue smiled,"Ee-vee?" Eevee didn't know what was happening.
"You'll see".
The two had been queueing for nearly ten minutes when suddenly one of the workers at the venue rushed out of a staff-only area "Excuse me" he said in a rush as he squeezed through the line.
He hurried over to another staff member who was at a different desk.They were obviously talking but their conversation was inaudible to Red, Blue, and the rest of the people in line.
"I wonder what all the fuss is about," Blue said, holding Eevee in his arms,
"No idea" Red shrugged.
They continued to watch the two staff members in their panic when the worker at the desk leaned in towards her co-worker as if to whisper something.
Then they both glanced in the direction of the line of people before whispering some more, "Ee-" Eeevee tilted his head "Ee-vee!" cried Eevee, gathering the attention of everyone as the staff member headed for their direction.He stopped right in front of Red, visibly nervous "H-hello" he tried to pull himself together "My name is Henry and I'm an employee here at the Battle Royal Dome and I have a favour to ask of you Mr. uhh, Red Sir"
"Me, really?" Red responded, he was surprised.
"Y-yes, please, if you'll come with me, don't worry about your tickets, if you agree to help us I can guarantee you the best spot in the house!" Henry responded.
Red looked at Blue for reassurance, he wasn't sure what to do "If you think you can help him I don't see why not?" Blue said, but he wasn't sure himself since he had no idea what was happening.
Red let out a small sigh and then perked up "I will try and help you if I can"
"Ah, thank you! Please, this way!" Henry grabbed Red by the wrist and started to pull him towards the same door he first emerged from earlier,
Red startled grabbed onto Blue's shirt pulling him along too "Y-ahh". Everyone else left in line was just as confused as Red and Blue.When they were all on the other side of the door Henry closed it behind them, he turned to Red again letting out a nervous sigh "I hate to ask, but one of our top contenders for the Master Rank isn't able to make it and we have no one to replace them for today's match" he went silent for a second "While talking to my co-worker she recognised you and sort of... suggested I ask if you could take their place?" he went silent again, waiting for Red's response.
"I-Uhm, I'm not sure I could, I haven't battled competitively for a long time... and I don't know how things work in here" Blue could see Red was nervous, he'd just been put on the spot so of course he was, Blue placed his hand on the back of Red's shoulder for reassurance.
Red looked at Blue, his surprised expression turned into a warm smile.
Then Henry spoke again "You don't need to worry about that, I can help with anything you need! Each participant takes in three Pokemon they wish to use in battle and you are up against 3 other competitors at once, but the battle still works like regular battles, you just need to be a bit more careful here"
"Oh, well I suppose I could, it's only one battle, right? But I only have Pikachu and Charizard with me today, Lapras is still at the hotel"
Blue then had an idea, he looked down at Eevee who was hanging from Blues arm "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin' bud?"
"EeVEE!" Eevee cried, he was pumped up.
"You can use Eevee if you like, he definitely wouldn't mind battling with you" Blue grinned at Red.
Red pet Eevee "Well I can't let you down can I?"
"Ee!" Eevee responded, excited to battle.
"You ready to buddy? It's been a while",
"Pik-a!" Pikachu was fired up too.
Red laughed "I think we can help you out," Red said to Henry while looking at Blue and smiling again,
"Great! I just need to inform a few people about the changes, but first follow me, I'll take you to a place where you can take some time to prepare"
They followed Henry through a few corridors then came to a room "Here, you and your Pokemon can get ready in here, I'll be back shortly before we start and then I will escort you to your starting position and your friend to his seat" and with that Henry left.
The door closed "Friend huh, I have a name too" Blue jokingly pouted "But I suppose you are a champion" he grinned.
"I keep telling you, a former champion, why must you do this to me?" Red joked back "Besides, so were you" Before Blue could respond he felt himself being pulled backward, Red had pulled him into his arms "I'm sorry I'm just so nervous".
Blue turned around under Red's embrace "It's fine" he responded softly and hugged him back.
They stayed like that for a moment then Red pulled away, putting his hands on Blue's shoulders "Please keep yourself hydrated through this match, it's going to be really warm where the arena is with all the lights and everything and you don't have me or Eevee to look after you".
"Ee-vee" Eevee agreed,
"I will, you don't need to worry about me" Blue tried to brush it off.
Red looked at him, he was serious "But I do, and I will".
Soon after there was a knock at the door "It's Henry, we're ready to set up now",
Red let out a breath of air "Don't worry, you got this" Blue said to him "I'll be cheering you on" he smiled.
This made Red feel better "Let's go then".
Henry escorted them to a small backstage area where Red would have to come out of and explained to wait until his name was called. "If you follow me I'll take you to your seat," he said to Blue.
"Sure" he turned to Red and threw up a peace sign "Good luck, you too buddy"