Part 7

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  'We're about to set off and Blue just seems to be getting more nervous by the second... Wait-he's not, he's not scared of flying is he?' Red thought to himself while looking at Blue out of the corner of his eye, deciding not to say anything.
  He made sure his seat belt was secure and held Pikachu safely on his lap.
  He smiled at himself because the thought of Blue being scared of flying in an airplane amused him, especially since Blue would use his Pidgeot to fly around.

  Soon after all the safety announcements the engines started up, the plane moved into position on the runway then proceeded to move forward, getting faster and ultimately taking off.

  'It's fine, I'm fine' Blue thought to himself, gripping the armrests tighter as the plane took off from the ground. He was always nervous about flying in airplanes but never understood why himself, all he knew was he didn't like it.

  "You okay there?" Asked Red, it was pretty obvious that Blue was nervous, no matter how hard he tried to contain it.

  "I'm just fine" Blue anxiously replied quietly taking in deep breaths, Red quietly laughed to himself and looked out the window.

  When the plane finally leveled out Blue was able to relax more.
A film made by Pokéstar Studios was being played, he decided to put in some earphones and watch, that'd help keep his nerves calm.

  Not too long into the flight Red nudged Blue "Look, you can see Mount Silver and beyond into Johto!, that brings back memories"

  Pikachu was stood on Red's lap also looking at the world below "Pika!"

  "I'm good thanks, I'm just going to take a nap instead" and with that Blue slouched a little and closed his eyes.

  "Your loss, it's such a beautiful view from up here" Red shrugged, relaxing back into his seat still looking out the window reminiscing about his journey in Johto.

  After a couple of hours, an announcement came over the speakers "Please stay seated and remain calm, we are going to be experiencing a little turbulence" as the plane was shaken a little.

  It began to get rougher, waking up Blue in a panic he grabbed onto the armrests again, accidentally grabbing onto Red who had his arm on the rest in between them.

  "Woah, hey. Blue it's fine, just a little turbulence, that's all" Red smiled, trying to comfort Blue.

  "Y-yeah, I know that," Blue said, letting go of Red as soon as he realised he'd grabbed onto him. He couldn't hide it now, he was nervous... He was scared, it made him feel sick.

  Red thought for a moment and then had an idea, he reached into the luggage space above pulling out a Pokeball from Blues bag "Eevee, come on out, Blue needs you".

  Eevee came out of the Pokeball sitting on Blue's lap, realising his trainer was scared Eevee snuggled himself against Blue to comfort him. Blue ran his hand through Eevee's fur calming himself down.

  A little while later the turbulence had calmed down.
  "Passengers are free to move around the cabin again" an announcement was made.

  "Well, that's a relief," Red said giving a thumbs up to Eevee which was now curled up on Blue's lap.

  About an hour and a half passed and the plane finally landed on Akala island, Blue could not get off quick enough, Red lost him in the sea of people that were scrambling to get off too.

  Red just sighed "I'm sure he'll be waiting Pikachu"

  And sure enough, he was, Blue had already collected their luggage and was ready to head to the hotel his cousin had booked for them.

  When they were outside they managed to get a ride in a cab to the Hano Grand Resort, a 5* resort that was right next to the beach, they couldn't wait to relax and explore the new region!

  "Eughh, are you sure there's nothing you can do?!" Blue exclaimed after being told there had been an issue with their room while checking in.

  "I'm sorry sir, the whole resort is fully booked there is nothing else we can do about the room. We apologise for the mix-up and can offer you free meals here for the duration of your stay".

  "I'll sleep on the floor if I have to," Red said to Blue "We do get free food out of it".

  "Fine" Blue rolled his eyes "We accept your apology and will accept your offer," blue said to the assistant at the desk.

  "Great! Here are your key cards, your room number is 270 on the third floor. Enjoy your stay" the woman smiled.

  "Yeah, thanks" Blue responded, clearly still irritated.

  "Be nice, it wasn't her fault AND we get free food now, so you can eat as much as you like" Red nudged his arm.

  "Yeah, well I can't complain about that" Blue laughed as they made their way to their room.

  Blue entered the room first it was large and nice, really nice "Looks like you won't have to sleep on the floor" Blue said as Red followed him in, closing the door behind them.

  "Wow, yeah, I don't think they know what a single bed is" Red laughed.
It was clearly big enough for the two of them to comfortably sleep "It'll be just like old times when we were kids and we'd have sleepovers!" he exclaimed, excitement in his voice, he used to love hanging out with Blue when they were kids.

  "Yeah..." Blue trailed off, he remembered how excited they both used to be, they'd stay up learning about Pokemon and playing games.

  Blue let out a breath of air "Well let's get unpacked and then we can explore a little"

  "Sure thing" Responded Red as Pikachu jumped off him and onto the bed with Eevee following, they played while their trainers unpacked, almost ready to start their Alolan vacation!

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