Breakfast was quiet for the most part, and Blue hadn't eaten nearly as much as he normally would, he even had food leftover by the time they'd finished.
It was clear to Red that something was up with Blue 'He hasn't been himself all morning... Wait, it's not... Not because of me is it?' Red thought 'Gah, it probably is... That's it, I messed u-'
Blue interrupted him "Are you okay? You seem a little stressed"
"No-no, I'm fine... Just uh, thinking about, hmmm... All the cool Pokémon we're going to see today!"
Blue threw him an unconvinced look while Red just awkwardly smiled.
"I'm more worried about him than myself..." Red said, inaudible to Blue.After breakfast they headed to Heahea City, they went to get their tickets for the ferry to Melemele Island and Red insisted he would pay.
He had told himself he was going to do his best to try and help Blue, he wanted to let him enjoy himself.The journey across the water wasn't particularly a long one and when they docked at Hau'oli City they were greeted by Samson Oak.
"Alola cousin! it's so nice to... SEE-L you!" Samson laughed cheerfully, Red and Blue looked at each other, they could see the cringe on each other's faces."Uh, yeah, great to see you too" Blue put his hand out to shake his cousins but was instead pulled into a hug
"gah-This is Red" Blue put his hand up best he could to gesture at Red while he was being crushed in the embrace."Nice to meet you Samson" Red raised his hand in a waving motion,
"Pika!" Pikachu did the same.Samson walked them through Hau'oli, it wasn't a long walk and they were soon at the Pokémon school.
They were greeted by a man in a lab coat.
"This is professor Kukui, he can answer any questions you might have about our region and he's going to upgrade your phones with a complete list of the Pokémon here in Alola to help you while you're visiting us" Samson exclaimed."That's great, thanks professor" Blue replied.
"You're very welcome" Kukui responded and proceeded with upgrading their devices.
They talked for a while, particularly Blue asking questions, he was very interested in research to do with the region and its Pokémon.
Red spent time with some of the professor's Pokémon, he was playing with a Rockruff but caught himself staring at Blue now and then.
Luckily Blue was too busy to realise, Red just sighed and said "I'm such an idiot" the Rockruff didn't understand at all and Red didn't expect it to, he just laughed and gave it belly rubs.They had left around lunchtime, thanking the professor and Samson.
"So, do you want to head to the shopping district? We passed it on the way here, we can grab something to eat i-if you want" Red asked Blue
"Sure, we can do that before we explore the island any further" Blue replied, but his response was flat which Red didn't like, it made him feel more guilty.
They looked around the shopping district a little while, there were clothes shops, souvenir shops, food outlets... Just some much to take in!
"Woah, what's that smell?" Blue turned to Red."I don't know but it sure smells sweet, let's check it out"
They follow the scent over to a small shop 'Malasadas'. "Which do you want?" Red asked Blue taking his wallet out,