They arrived back at their room, Red opened the door but let Blue in first.
He walked in and kicked his shoes off, all Blue wanted to do was rest, he was still recovering and was exhausted but before he did that he decided to call Daisy and tell her he was fine.
"I'm just going to go outside and give my sister a call, She'll be up now" Blue called out to Red who was still at the other side of the room making sure the door was locked before taking his own shoes off and cap.
"Yeah, Okay" Red replied as he headed towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Blue opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside, the cool breeze hitting him once again. He took out his phone and dialled Daisy's number while leaning against the railing of the balcony.
"Hello" she said as she answered,
"Hey Daisy" Blue smiled as he responded despite her not being able to see him.
"Blue, how are you doing? I've been waiting to hear from you again"
"I'm good, great even"
"Oh, recovering well then?" she asked,
"Yeah, I'm out of the hospital now and back at the hotel" Blue replied.
"That's great!"
"Yeah.." Blue responded quietly, there was a small silence.
"So.. Did you talk to Red?" Daisy asked.
Blue felt his face grow warm, his mind went back to the events of earlier,
"Blue!? Don't leave me hanging" Daisy interrupted his thoughts after getting no response.
"O-oh, sorry.. Yeah, we talked" Blue responded nervously,
"Soooo? You gotta tell me what happened" Daisy squealed down the line, Blue had to take the phone away from his ear until she stopped.
"Not much to tell really. He wanted to talk to me too and basically took the words out of my mouth" Blue said letting out a quiet laugh.
"So are you two, y'know... Is he your boyfriend now?" she asked with eager curiosity in her voice.
There was a short silence from Blue. "I think so, he said he wanted to be together officially"
Daisy squealed again "And you told him that's what you wanted too right?"
"Y-you could say that" Blue's cheeks grew warmer but he wasn't going to tell his sister every detail.
Joyous noises came from the other end and Blue just laughed then suddenly he felt a weight lightly rest on his back and arms around his waist.
"You think so? What more do you want? I told you I want to be with you, do I have to ask properly?" Red whispered and rested his head against Blue's.
Blue froze for a moment, a warm sensation overcoming his body,
"I-uhh, Daisy I have to go" he quickly said down the phone.
"Aww, what's the rush, don't wanna talk to your sister?" she almost sounded disappointed
"So, how about it.." Red continued being sure Daisy couldn't hear "Will you be my boyfriend?" Red whispered into Blue's ear sending a tingling sensation throughout his body.
Blue was completely taken aback and before he could respond to either of them Red was resting his head on Blue's shoulder delicately kissing his neck.
Blue gripped the rail with his free hand "O-of course I do but it's late.. Mmf.. I'll call you again soon" Blue forced out,
"Fine, I'll talk soon little brother" she replied.
"Y-yeah, see ya,"
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As soon as he said his goodbyes he ended the call and let out a stifled moan "That's just cruel" Blue said.
Red let out a soft giggle as Blue turned to face him. Red was stood there with no shirt on and his hair fuzzy after taking off his cap. Blue gulped, his whole body felt warm.
"Well, are you going to answer my question?" Red asked leaning in towards Blue slightly,
Blue's face was completely flushed pink "Y-yes, you idiot!" Blue almost snapping at Red awkwardly.
Red laughed again then smiled "I love you" he said softly then planted a kiss on Blue's forehead.
Blue couldn't be mad at Red he was way too cute.
As Red turned to go back inside Blue grabbed his arm which stopped Red in his tracks "I-I love you too" Blue said softly.
Red turned and smiled warmly at him as he took Blue's hand and led him back inside, closing the door behind them.
It was late by this point and Blue was truly exhausted so they both got settled down in bed for the night.
Red had his arms around Blue holding him close "I'm so glad to have you with me tonight but you shouldn't be here, how come you came back from the hospital?" Red asked.
"Simply because I didn't want to be there... I wanted to be with.. You... I told the doctor and he looked me over and gave me the green light" Blue replied.
"I see, well as I said, I'm glad you're here"
"Me too"
Red smiled in the darkness and held Blue a little tighter, resting his head on his shoulder "Goodnight" he said softly kissing Blue's shoulder.
"Yeah" was all Blue said in response.
It wasn't long before they were both asleep, Pikachu and Eevee curled up by their feet.
Early hours of the morning came and Blue had begun to stir, his body began to move restlessly and Blue ultimately woke up breathing slightly heavily. 'Crap, not again' he thought. He sat up and looked around the dim room then looked over at Red who had now rolled onto his back and was covered in some of the moonlight that creeped in through a gap in the curtains.
Blue wasn't sure why but he reached over and placed his hand on Red's chest so he could feel his heart beat.
"Are you okay" Red said softly and yawned, Blue's restlessness woke him. He placed his hand over Blue's to confort him.
"Y-yeah... I just had one of my nightmares again... I-I'm sorry I woke you" Blue took his hand off Red's chest but Red took hold of it and pulled Blue closer to him so Blue was lying with his head on Red's chest and his arm now over him.
"It's okay, I'm here with you. You have nothing to worry about, not right now" Red said softly as he ran his fingers through Blue's hair.
Blue just smiled increasing his grip on Red's torso and letting the gentle beats of his heart encourage him back into a slumber.