Blue felt the sun shining brightly on his face. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times to adjust his blurry vision, his eyes were heavy and still stung from the early hours of that morning.
He heard gentle snoring and lazily lifted his head. Red was sleeping soundly and looked peaceful, Blue didn't want to disturb him. He smiled and lay his head back down on Red's chest listening to the gentle beats of his heart.
His smile disappeared as he thought about the events that happened during the night. He knew it wasn't something he could control yet he felt shame and disgusted with himself, though this wasn't anything new to Blue. He'd had these sorts of feelings for a long time, Red didn't know the half of it.
Some time passed and Blue gently ran his fingers over the dressing on Red's cheek, he still felt guilty about knocking Red over despite it being an accident. He continued to trail his fingers down Red's neck and over his shoulder, following the contours of his body.
Red stirred in his sleep and mumbled something incoherent. He rolled onto his side and his arm tightened around Blue as he nuzzled into Blue, gently kissing his neck. Red looked up at Blue with sleepy eyes before smiling and kissing him tenderly. "I love you."
"I love you too" Blue replied with a smile.They both lay there for a while enjoying each other's company. The moment seemed so perfect that neither wanted to move, let alone leave the warm bed.
Blue placed his hand behind Red's head and pulled him in for another kiss. He couldn't help himself, Red helped him feel at ease.
Red groaned and wrapped his arms around Blue's waist pulling him even closer.
In their short time together again, they had learned how to be more comfortable with one another, although there was still a way to go.
Blue sighed happily as Red held him against his chest. Red would pull him close and hold him in his arms when Blue needed it, even if Red didn't realise it. and he needed it this morning.
They reluctantly broke apart and Red leaned back taking a deep breath. He was trying to decide if he should get up or just stay in bed.
"Go back to sleep if you want to," Blue said, realising his throat was a little sore.
"No," Red said with a smile. "I don't think I can go back to sleep now." He laughed and leaned over Blue. Red pressed his lips against Blue's again and ran his hands down Blue's sides. He cupped Blue's ass in his hands and squeezed gently. "You're so beautiful," Red whispered to Blue.
Blue was flustered but smiled and pressed his forehead against Reds.
Red laughed softly and kissed Blue once more.
"I love you."
"I love you too," Blue replied sheepishly.
They lay in silence again for a few moments enjoying each other's presence. Red made a soft sound deep in his throat and Blue shivered at the sound.
Red smiled and rolled them over onto their sides. He took Blue's hand in his and laced their fingers together. He looked down at Blue and leaned in to kiss him gently. He stroked Blue's cheek and pause for a moment, he noticed that Blue's eyes were still a little red. He then trailed his fingers down to his mouth tracing his thumb across Blue's bottom lip, slowly dragging it toward his own.
Red brought their mouths together and Blue moaned softly into his mouth. Red broke away and stared into Blue's eyes.
"What is it?" asked Blue feeling a little awkward being stared at.