Part 11

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  Blue had eventually caught up to Red, Red had now calmed down although his face still felt warm.

  They arrived at the restaurant "Time to try some of this famous pinap juice" Blue said excitedly "Do you want to order anything to eat from here too?" he asked Red.

  "I'm fine for now, but you can knock yourself out" Red responded, finding them a table to sit at.

  Blue ordered their drinks and himself something small to eat, he'd been hungry since he hadn't eaten a lot all day, he sat down across from red "So, are you enjoying it here?"

  "Yeah, the islands are beautiful and there's so many Pokémon here I haven't seen before!" Red replied cheerfully.

  "That's good, I'm enjoying it here too," Blue said, unintentionally staring at Red with a soft smile until he was interrupted by a young girl and her Bounsweet,
  she placed their drinks on the table and a plate of food in front of Blue.

  "Enjoy!" she said to the two of them and went about her duties.

  "This pinap juice really is the best" Red exclaimed.

  "It sure is" Blue replied, finishing his food. Soon after he paid and the two were on their way, they had to make it back to the port to get to the ferry back to Akala Island before it got too late.

  When they finally got back to Akala Island it was around 6pm, they decided they would sit on the beach for a little while before dinner.
The air was warm but with a slight cool breeze and the beach was practically empty at this time so Red and Blue found a place to sit.

  "So..." Red started "Are you going to tell me what bothers you?" Blue thought for a moment,

  "I'll tell you if you let me see more of that notebook" he grinned.

  Red wasn't comfortable with the idea but he wanted to help his friend so was willing, he sighed "sure..."

  Blue was actually a little surprised he agreed but took a deep breath in "Okay... I lied..."

  "What?" Red was confused by his starting choice of words,

  "Well... It's kinda your fault... A little... These dreams I have... They started not too long after you left" Blue inhaled deeply and his voice got quieter "And I had so much pressure on me from people like Gramps to do something which is why I took up the job as a gym leader and at first I enjoyed it, I really did... But I felt trapped, I had nowhere else to go and... No one there... You weren't there..." Blue looked down into the sand, Red was sat speechless.

(Art by Umineko-sama/Gav_iota on Twitter!)

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(Art by Umineko-sama/Gav_iota on Twitter!)

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