The clock was nearing noon by the time Blue woke, his eyes hadn't quite opened yet but he knew that his head wasn't exactly on his pillow, it wasn't soft enough, but was warmer.
'Wait' Blue thought, he opened his eyes properly, letting his eyes adjust to the sunshine that was creeping in. Once he could get a good look he could see that his head was on Red's bare chest, he also had his arm around his waist.
Blue didn't move but he definitely blushed, his eyes followed the shape of Red's body, he didn't want to get up, not just yet.
He moved his head ever so slightly and as carefully as he could so he didn't wake Red, just then Red's arm held him tighter 'Crap' Blue thought, he didn't realise his arm was under him.
Blue just wanted to hear Red's heartbeat and a few moments later Red's body calmed again, it was obvious he was still sleeping. Blue listened, each beat was gentle and calm, Blue closed his eyes again and let out a gentle sigh of relief enjoying the moment 'I could get used to this' He thought falling back into a light sleep.
It was over an hour later and Blue woke up again, and this time decided he had to get up, he had no idea what time it was but rubbed his eyes yawning.
He sat up gently, trying not to disturb Red but when he did so Red's other arm came over and latched onto Blue's waist, Blue became red almost instantly, he'd never been held like this before.
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Red groaned, his voice raspy as he spoke "ghhh... What time is it?" as he held on a little tighter, this made Blue melt inside.
Blue had to reach for his phone, Red hadn't let go "Uhh, 1:17" Blue said.
Red groaned "I suppose it's time to get up then.." he trailed off, still not moving.
Blue laughed softly and then shook Red "C'MON! I already missed breakfast, I'm not missing lunch too!"
"Can't I have 5 more minutes?"
As much as Blue wanted to stay like this he was definitely hungry, his stomach growled "I'll take that as a no then... fine" and with that Red sat himself up and stretched.
They got themselves ready for what was left of the day and headed to the restaurant.
"You'd better hurry up and finish, I know where we're going today!" Blue exclaimed,
Red has a mouthful of food so let out a muffled "Huh?"
"I'm not telling but I know you'll enjoy it" This made Red suspicious, it was a little odd, but Red just shrugged and agreed to go.
Blue had dragged red into HeaHea city, it wasn't too far from the resort, Red wondered what they might do, he knew about the Mantine surfing here, but Red couldn't surf "Hmm.." Red was stumped.