Part 52: Prison Break

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Drahsoh had lied about being able to hear only certain conversations. And about not remembering anything. But what I wanted to know is why he has so much control now? What changed? Why is he able to take control of Tyler's body whenever he wants? And why is he no longer dormant like before? I get to Capital City and I immediately go to the prison to see the once Queen.

"Simbi... I know this is about to sound crazy... but I need your help."

In reply she says, "Sure. I'll do it."

I was shocked. "Wait... you will? I haven't even told you why..."

she then cuts me off saying,

"If you're desperate enough to ask me for help, not only is it important, but I'm also guessing I gain something from it. You're not stupid enough to ask me for a favor without me getting something out of it. So I'll do it. Step back I'm breaking out. Fill me in on the way? K?"

Before I had a chance to react, she broke out of her Cell! The jail didn't have any Cell strong enough for an S3. They thought the drugs were keeping her sedated. But apparently they never worked to begin with!

As we leave the City she stops me. She grabs me by the throat and chokes me against a wall.

"Let's get one thing straight... we aren't friends, and I still hate you. You and that fool took everything from me. And I'll make you both pay for it some day soon. Understood!?"

Of course Simbi didn't know that I was a super now. So I kicked her off of me. I then ran to her and slammed her into the ground.

"Yeah. I understand!"

"How di... did I miss something!?"

I then said, "I'll explain later! Let's go. Feel free to run faster. You don't have to slow down for me."

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