Part 54: Talking To Yourself

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Tyler told Dream Master where he was so he could travel part of the way to get closer. That way he could be more effective. Drahsoh had about 5 hours left to heal, but he's not sleeping. He just sits there waiting to heal. If he falls asleep, Tyler could gain control again. Therefore, he won't sleep. Tyler figures this out based on the fact that he heals faster while sleeping. Drahsoh knows this too. Therefore he must be staying awake for a reason. Unlike Drahsoh, Tyler doesn't know how to access what Drahsoh is thinking while he has control. He can only hear, feel and see what's going on around his body.

Drahsoh still has about half of the healing process left to finish, but rather than wait for the rest, he gets up. His legs and right arm are healed. But his left arm and the left side of his ribcage are still broken. This however doesn't stop him from beginning his pursuit.

The first place Drahsoh went to was my family's house. He no doubt wanted to use them as leverage to get to me. Fortunately I had already sent them away. In his frustration he destroyed our home. He than goes to the middle of the city and does something no one expected him to do.

"I AM NOW YOUR NEW KING... No... YOUR GOD! BOW TO ME AND YEE SHALL LIVE!!" No one took him seriously because to everyone else it was just Tyler. That soon changed as he started destroying things and hurting people. He even killed the police officers and soldiers that tired to stop him. This made Tyler angry. In a burst of rage Tyler temporarily took back control and ran as far away from the City as he could! Because Drahsoh was in State 3 at the time Tyler took over, he was able to get very far away. To the point where Drahsoh couldn't recognize what direction they had ran in. Once Drahsoh takes back control he sits down in a meditation pose and with his eyes closed.

"Tyler! Why did you... how... did you do that?" Drahsoh asked.

Tyler then said, "You may have taken over my body, but I will not let you hurt innocent people!"

Drahsoh then said, "I know how to make you disappear... forever! All I have to do is remove your reason for living. The thing that keeps you going!"

Tyler of course knew he was referring to me. I was what was keeping Tyler going. I was his joy, his light, his motivation.

So Tyler then said, "You stay away from her! If you hurt her I'll..."

Drahsoh then says, "You'll what!? Kill yourself? That's the only way to stop me... are you really willing to go that far?"

Tyler then says, "Well... you're in my head so you already know the answer."

This angered Drahsoh. "If you kill us then what will she have to live for!? Huh! You both need one another to be whole. Just as you and I needed one another to be whole! But now I don't need you! I only need your body!"

Tyler then said, "If you no longer need me that means I no longer need you. Right? Once I find a way to take my body back and get rid of you I will! You wanna Kill Kristyn and I!? Well we're gonna kill you first!"

Drahsoh then left his mental Palace and returned to his consciousness. He still didn't know where he was. And Tyler had lost his connection to Dream Master.

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