Part 59: An Even Playing Field

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"What is this!? What happened to my power!? Why am I in State 2!?"
Drahsoh asked. Tyler had taken away State 3 and Drahsoh felt it immediately. Drahsoh is now trying to fight against Tyler and Dream Master inside his mind. And now he's about to have to fight me too!

"Tyler... forgive me for what I'm about to do to you."

I then grabbed the arm he was using to choke me and broke it!

"Gaaaaaah!!!" He screamed. "Curse you!! You'll pay for that!"

I then pummel him into the ground. I didn't like that I had to hurt Tyler, I had to keep reminding myself that it was Drahsoh I was hurting. Not Tyler. After fighting him for a few more minutes Drahsoh gets angrier. He goes crazy. He starts fighting like an animal, even biting and scratching me! He then said, "I knew it would come to this! I knew you'd betray me! Just like they did! All I've ever done is protect you!"

I then said,
"You call this protection!?!?! You're trying to kill everyone he cares about! What are you protecting him from!? You're delusional! You're psychotic! And it's time we bid you farewell!"

He then says,

I then said,
"I'm making you angry!? I'LL SHOW YOU ANGRY!!!"

He then charges in to scratch and bite me again. But I grab him. I took hold of his shoulder and dislocated it. He can no longer use his arms. But I didn't stop there. I then unleash a flurry of punches and kicks. After about a whole minute of a constant barrage of attacks he finally goes down. I then hold him down and tell Dream Master to get to work.


Dream Master then finally gets him to sleep. But it's not over yet.

"It's up to you guys now..."

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