Part 2 "Airport"

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H: I am Harry

S: My name is Sam

Y/N: Nice to meet you guys

*You talk a little bit with the boys. Then you sit down and wait for the plane to take off. You make an Instagram post*

Y/N Downey: I'm here to tell you that all the rumors about Alex and me are true

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Y/N Downey: I'm here to tell you that all the rumors about Alex and me are true. I am going to take a break because of this and fly to my home state. Please don't forget to think of yourselves too. I love you guys.

*You turn off your phone and the plane takes off. You turn on Iron Man and watch the movie. After the movie ends, you sleep the rest of the flight. You really needed that, too. Your nights weren't exactly long, mostly from four hours of sleep because you had another photo shoot early the next day*

*After a very long flight you get off and see Harry and Sam again*

S: Maybe we will see each other again

Y/N: I would be really happy

H: We have to say goodbye now, unfortunately. Our brother is already waiting for us

*The two of them walk over to a young man you can't quite recognize, but you see him looking over at you. You go to your personal Secruity Man Max*

Y/N: Hey Max, good to see you again.

M: Hey Mrs. Downey, so glad to see you back in London.

*You walk out with Max, where many paparazzi are already waiting for you and asking you questions are bombarding you*

P: Y/N is it true that Alex cheated on her with her best friend?

P2: how long will they take a break?

P3: will they ever go back to New York?

*You ignore all the questions from the paparazzi and get in your car. A few tears run down your cheek as you think about the fact that Alex and you were supposed to be married in a week. But now, he is with your "best" friend*

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