Part 51 "I have missed you"

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*You detach yourselves and look into each other's eyes a little longer. You start to smile, when he sees your smile, Tom starts to smile too. He puts his hand to your cheek. You nestle your cheek more against Tom his hand*

T: I missed you so much my darling

Y/N: I missed you even more

H: I think we understood that you both missed each other

*shocked, you turn around and see three sleepy faces. You smile and look at Paddy who is almost asleep. You look at Tom who understands what you mean. He takes Paddy in his arms and carries him to your guest room*

Y/N: Ok guys! Who is hungry?

S: Oh definitely me! I'm almost dying of hunger!

*You give a short laugh and put everything you bought on the table. While the guys are getting ready, an unknown number calls you*

Y/N: Hello?

*But instead of getting an answer, it was silent. You hang up and think about who it was. It was a bit creepy already. When you feel two strong arms around you you come out of your thoughts*

T: What are you thinking about?

Y/N: Someone just called me but didn't say anything on the phone.

T: Maybe he just dialed the wrong number.

Y/N: Yes, you are probably right

*Tom kisses your cheek and puts the drinks on the table. When the guys came back to the kitchen, you all sit down and start eating*

Y/N: Tom?

T: Yes baby

Y/N: We are getting a visit from a friend of mine today with her significant other. Is that ok with you?

T: Of course baby. I'm glad to meet your friend. When are they coming?

Y/N: Emma said 5 p.m.

T: I have another appointment today, but I'll be there on time when they come.

Y/N: I didn't know you had an appointment today.

T: It's just an appearance on TV

Y/N: oh ok

T: But I'll be there on time.

H: But you have to be on time for your gig too. We have to leave in two hours, please don't forget that.

Y/N: too bad, I thought we could watch some more movies before they arrive

T: Sorry baby

*Tom tried to take your hand but you pull it away*

Y/N: Never mind. I'm just going to go change

*you get up and go upstairs*

Tom's pov

*I look at her and it hurts to see her like this*

S: She is sad

H: I can understand her

S: She just wants to do something with you. When you were away she was different

T: What do you mean different? What's wrong with her?

S: It's not bad. She just wasn't as cheerful anymore. She was quieter and not as outgoing. Like something happened to Alex then when was gone.

T: I should talk to her

*I wanted to get up, but Harry holds me tight*

H: Give her some time for now. She has to calm down first

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