Part 46 "18+"

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*My father turns and looks at me with wide eyes, as does Tom. You didn't want to tell anyone, but that burden almost killed you*

R: Please repeat that again

Y/N:Um... I-I was raped.

*Your mother holds her hand over her mouth and starts to cry. You can't hold back your tears either*

Y/N: I'm sorry

*Nikki comes to me and hugs you and squeezes you tightly*

N: I'm so sorry. No one in this world deserves this

R: Thomas. Why weren't you with her?

T: I-I..

*But you interrupt Tom and look your father in the eye. You can see the anger in his eyes very clearly*

Y/N: Tom is not to blame

R: How many times have I told you to take Max with you everywhere?

Y/N: Dad! I can't change it anymore. It was totally my fault

T: Princess

*Tom comes up to you and gives you a big hug*

T: I am proud of you

Y/N: Why?

T: You didn't really want to say it, but you did. You are a strong woman my darling. Don't forget that

S: Stop looking at him so angry and see how he treats our daughter. He loves her, with all his heart

*As you look around again, you still see angry looks. They are not directed at you or at Tom. The people who did this to you will regret it*

R: I'm going to find those bastards.

*He opens his arms and Tom signals you to go to your father. You run to your father and he hugs you tightly*

R: No one is going to hurt you anymore. Or he will get hurt *he said a little louder and his gaze went to Tom*

P: Do you think we'd better go?

H: Paddy is probably right

Y/N: No please don't go. We were going to have a nice evening after all. Besides, I'm hungry

*You make yourselves a nice evening in spite of the problems. After a few hours they all say goodbye and go to their homes*

*you are just about to carry everything inside, when you feel two strong hands around your waist*

T: It's already very late. We can still clean this up tomorrow

*Tom starts kissing your neck, which you like very much. You put your head to the side so he can get to your neck better*

T: you look really hot today, do you know that?

Y/N: mmm

*You can only say and turn to Tom, whose greedy eyes are already undressing you. He pulls you to him and puts his lips on yours. SO many times you've felt those lips, but every touch is like an explosion. Tom lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. Even as you walk up the stairs you can't separate from each other. He opens the door to your bedroom and slowly lays you on your bed without removing his lips from yours. Slowly he goes under your shirt with his hand and looks at you*

T: Are you sure about this? After everything that happened today.

*You put your hands to his cheek and look into his eyes*

Y/N: I'm sure

*Tom smiles at you and starts kissing you again. You start to undress each other. You can't help but stare at Tom his abs*

T: This is all yours *he whispers in your ear, which sends a shiver down your spine*


*Tom continues to slowly go down. He starts kissing your neck and goes down to your stomach. As you feel Tom's breath on your thigh you realize how your lust for him is getting stronger and stronger. When he reaches you at the bottom, you notice his tongue. Which makes you moan*

Y/N: T-Tom *you breathe, which makes him grin*

T: Do you like that princess?

*Since you can't get an answer out you just nod. When he was done he comes up to you and kisses you again. you put your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him even closer to you*

T: you don't know how much i love you

*With the words he puts it in and you have to groan loudly. Slowly he moves and you can't describe this feeling. Never before have you felt such love for someone. The love for Alex was not a real love. Tom shows you every day anew what love is*

T: God, you are so tight princess

*Tom moans and gets faster and faster, which makes you which also makes you moan louder automatically*

Y/N: Tom?

T: Y/N: Princess?

Y/N: I'm about to-

*but at that moment it already came over you. You roll your eyes back and enjoy this moment with Tom. Tom also comes to his climax and moans loudly once again. He looks at you and kisses your forehead*

T: did I hurt you?

Y/N: no

*Tom lies down next to you and covers you and him. He pulls you closer to him and gives you little kisses on your shoulder*

T: Sleep now princess, it's been an exciting day

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