Part 48 "new Home"

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*When all the shouting calms down a bit, I can finally speak*

T: I speak now on behalf of y/n and myself. We are happy to have fans like you, but we just ask that you respect our privacy.

We just want a photo!

T: We ask you to leave, otherwise we will have to take other measures and we don't want to do that.

*Before they can say anything else I go back into the house and see y/n talking to someone on the phone*

Y/N: What is Max supposed to do alone with all those people dad! Even a couple of cops wouldn't be able to do that

*she is pacing back and forth and I can hear Robert is angry. After a few minutes she hangs up and looks outside*

Y/N: It's not getting any less. We should do something about this!

T: Yes I think so too

*late at night*

*We are both lying on the couch just exhausted from the day. The police came at the end and asked everyone to go home and if they don't it will come to a charge. Y/N didn't say anything for quite a while, which makes me a little worried*

T: Baby?

*She turns around and looks at me. I put my hand on her cheek and stroke it*

T: What are you thinking about?

Y/N: What I should do now?

T: What do you mean?

*She straightens up and looks out the window*

Y/N: I can't stay living here. They will come back again and again. I have to leave here

*I put my hand under her chin and turn here face to me so I can look into her eyes*

T: You are not alone anymore princess. I am by your side now and you won't get rid of me that fast. If you want then-


*You look Tom in the eyes and can't get enough of them either*

Y/N: What then?

T: Then maybe we could move in together. I mean I'm with you most of the time anyway. I-unless you don't want me to be...

*but he couldn't talk further because you interrupt him with a kiss*

Y/N: Definitely I want to move in with you.

*Tom starts to smile and pulls you to his lap*

T: Then I can see your beauty all day long

Y/N: You don't mean that

T: Of course I mean it princess. You are the most beautiful girl in this world. Never again do I want anyone else to have their fingers on your body than me.

Y/N: I love you Tom!

T: I love you too

*And so many months go by. Tom and you look for houses from time to time and actually you have found one. Only Tom can't be there because he's filming Spider-Man, which makes you pretty sad. You miss him and just want to lie in his arms. Because today is the day when all your stuff is in the new house. Today is the day you move in, but for you it doesn't feel right without Tom there. You're walking through your old house one last time when your cell phone rings*

Y/N: Tommy!

T: Hey princess

Y/N: I miss you

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