Part 53 "Past"

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*Slowly you come back to reality and look at Tom.

T: Are you all right? You are a little pale

Y/N: Yeah, don't worry. You're right, I'm sure we'll be fine

*he kisses your forehead and looks at you*

T: I'll do my best. I'm glad to meet your friends, but I have to go now baby.

Y/N: Bye

*He walks out the door and you are still looking behind him. What you don't notice is Paddy standing next to you*

P: Is everything alright?

*you startle yourself and then look at Paddy*

Y/N: Everything is perfect. So what do we want to watch?

P: Can we watch Star Wars?

Y/N: Of course! What do you think about that. I'll make us a huge bowl of popcorn right now and you get us covered and let's lay on the couch and do a Star Wars marathon.

P: We're definitely going to do that!

*So you do, while you make the popcorn, Paddy gets everything ready. It's still raining, as you look out the kitchen window you remember that moment when you first caught him.

*a year earlier*

*I've been waiting for Alex for two hours and he still hasn't come. He said he had to work late today, but he didn't say anything about two hours. I cooked something extra for us so he can just relax tonight, but he's not there. So I take my coat and get in my car. Luckily my car is in the underground garage, otherwise the paparazzi would be on my neck. I have an uneasy feeling on the drive. What would await me? A huge fight could happen, but also that he simply forgot the time. Standing in front of his company, I get quite nervous. Slowly I walk into the elevator. Nervously I play with my fingers and when the elevator has opened I go to his office. Without knocking I go in and couldn't believe what I saw. Shocked, I look at her and him.

A: Shit! Baby it's not what it looks like!

L: What are you doing here? You told me you were home!

*Both put on their clothes and I couldn't say anything more. Shocked at what just happened here, I slowly back away and head towards the elevator. My best friend never have affair with my boyfriend. I notice a hand on my arm that stops me from going further*.

A: Baby wait!

Y/N: Let go of me! Now! How could you do this to me? I've always been there for you! Did everything for you and what do you do! You fuckin' sleep with my best friend!

*you're brought back to reality by a beep. You take the popcorn and see that Paddy is already waiting for you*

P: This is going to be so much fun!

Y/N: Well then, let's get started!

*Together you watch as much of Star Wars as you can until it's time to take Paddy home. As you stand in front of Nikki and Dominik's door, the door is abruptly opened by Sam*

S: Oh Hey y/n

Y/N: Hey Sam, I'm dropping Paddy off.

P: I'm telling you Sam! Best day I've ever had!

S: I'm glad to hear that. I can't talk for too long. I have to go again quickly

Y/N: It's no problem. Is Nikki there?

N: I'm here sweetie. Come on in or you will get even wetter

*you go in together and you follow Nikki into the kitchen*

Y/N: I have to ask you something

N: You can ask me anything y/n, you know that.

*you take another deep breath and look down at your hands*

Y/N: W-would Tom ever cheat on me?


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