Part 63 "Does this mean?"

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*When you are done with the shower, you put a towel over your body and look at yourself in the mirror. After a while you notice that Tom has leaned against the door frame and looks at you worriedly. Slowly he walks towards you and puts his arms around your stomach.*

T: You have something on your mind and I think it has nothing to do with your ex.

*You notice how you are getting emotional and your vision is getting more and more blurry. A tear leaves your eye. After the first tear, a second and a third tear run down your cheek. You turn to Tom, who wipes away your tears and hugs you.*

T: What's wrong princess? You can talk to me

*He puts his hands to your cheek, forcing you to look at him. You take his hands and remove them from your cheek. Your hand goes to a drawer and reaches for the pregnancy test.*

Y/N: I'm sorry. It was not planned

T: What wasn't planned baby?

*You take the test out of the drawer and show it to him. Confused, he looks at you. Suddenly his eyes get really big.*

T: Does this mean?

Y/N: Yes Tom. You are going to be a father

*Now you can't hold it together anymore and start to cry. Tom immediately takes you in his arms and holds you close to him. He moves his hand up and down your back and makes you stop crying. You move away from him and look at your hands, but he puts his fingers under your chin and lifts your chin so that you can look at him, when you see that he is also crying you look a little shocked.*

T: Did you seriously think that I am not happy? That I don't want the baby?

*You look him in the eye, but then look away because you are a little embarrassed. Actually, you should have just listened to Nikki. She said it from the beginning.*

T: Princess look at me

*Slowly you turned your gaze back to Tom and have to watch yourself not to get lost in his eyes. Even though he's been together for a few months now, nothing has changed. His eyes are still so fascinating*

T: You don't know how much I want to be a father. It was a very big dream of mine and you baby. You are making it come true for me. Fuck Y/N we are going to be parents!

*Joyfully he hugs you and you realize how a big burden falls from your shoulders. For once, you could have just listened to Nikki and your mom.*

Y/N: Sorry

T: What are you sorry for princess?

Y/N: For not telling you right away and for not letting you talk about the picture with Lara.

T: It's ok. Let's just not think about it anymore. You change now and then we'll meet in the kitchen.

*He kisses your forehead and walks out of the bathroom. For quite a while you are still looking after him and you can only consider yourself lucky to have him by your side. Quickly you do your morning routine and pick out something comfortable. Today is another rainy day, so the probability that you would go out today is pretty low. Downstairs you go into the kitchen and see that Tom has made himself a coffee, but when you want to take a sip, he pulls the cup away.*

T: No more coffee for you.

Y/N: Really now?

T: You are carrying our child in your belly. I want it to be born healthy, so no coffee for you madame.

*Offended, you fold your arms and look out the window. Tom his arms wrap around again and pull you closer to him.*

T: I missed you princess. Every day you are not with me is a bad day.

Y/N: I missed you too, very much. Especially when-

*But you couldn't talk any further because yesterday's situation was just too cruel for you.*

T: We will find him and he will get his just punishment. I will not leave your side again. I will give everything that my family is safe.

*He puts his hemp on your belly and kisses your right shoulder blade.*

Y/N: I love you Tom Holland!

T: And I love you Y/N Downey!
Your Outfit:

T: And I love you Y/N Downey!__________________________________Your Outfit:

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