Part 37 "what can i wear?"

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*Tom, Sam and you are walking Tom car when Sam suddenly stops*

Y/N: Sam what are you doing?

S: For me it's going back home now to let you guys have some time together

Y/N: Really?

*Sam nods and you hug each other*

T: We will see each other again in London

S: Definitely and then we'll have to have a real barbecue night without a fight

Y/N: We will

*Sam gets his suitcase out of the trunk and hands it to the cab driver he called*

S: And Tom?

T: Yes?

S: Good luck today

*you look at Sam and Tom in confusion, wondering what he and Tom might mean*

T: Thank you. I'll let you know. Please say hi to the others for me

Y/N: And from me too. Especially Paddy!

S: I will do that. I'm sure he'll be happy

*You both give Sam another hug. He gets in and the cab drives away. Tom takes your hand and walks with you to the car. You both get in the car. Tom starts the engine and drives off*

Y/N: And what are we going to do today?

T: We are going to the hotel to change and the rest is a surprise

*tom stops the car because it is red at the traffic light. He looks at you and puts his hand on your chin*

T: You are beautiful, do you know that?

*you smile and he pulls his face to his and kisses you. You put your hand to his cheek. As you disengage, Tom smiles at you*

T: Are you excited about where we are going today?

Y/N: You don't know how excited I am

T: Well then, I hope I won't disappoint you

Y/N: You definitely won't. We could just stay in the hotel and cuddle, that would be enough for me too

T: Not today princess

*He puts his hand on your thigh and caresses it with your thumb. When you arrive at the hotel, you go to your hotel rooms and you go straight to your closet and pick out something fancy*

Y/N: Um Tom? How do you want me to dress ?

*you don't get an answer, but after a few seconds you notice two strong hands on your waist, hugging you from behind*

T: Whatever you want darling

Y/N: Come on. A little hint of where it's going anyway

T: Let's see, what do I get for telling you this now?

*You turn to him put your hands on his neck and look him in his eyes. You slowly get closer to him and put your lips on his. After five minutes you move away from each other and smile at each other*

T: Wow

Y/N: Yes wow! Now tell me what to wear

T: Wear something when you go to a romantic restaurant

*you nod and push him out of the room and close the door*

T: Now that wasn't nice! I want to see what you're going to wear

Y/N: You will, but not until I'm done

*you grab your dress and change. You still have the makeup and hair from the show, so you don't have to do that anymore. You do up a bit more and then walk out to where Tom is already waiting for you. When he looks up at you, his mouth stays open. You go over to him and close it*

T:! You look amazing

Y/N: Thank you. You look very good too

*Tom kisses your forehead and takes your hand. Together you go back into the car where Tom holds the door open for you*

Y/N: What a gentleman

T: For my princess always

*Tom gets in and immediately puts his hand on your thigh*
You Outfit:

*Tom gets in and immediately puts his hand on your thigh*——————————————————————You Outfit:

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