Part 70 "It is time" Part 1

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*In the middle of the night, I awake again to slight and repetitive pain. As I slightly open my eyelimbs, I see a sleeping Tom to my right. I slowly get up and make my way to the bathroom, I definitely won't miss that. My bladder is even smaller than usual, which means I have to go to the bathroom almost three times as often and that can be really annoying in the long run. I try to endure the returning pain by taking slow breaths, which works quite well, but suddenly I feel a warm liquid flowing down my leg.*

Y/N: Oh God

*It's happening. But instead of panicking that I won't be able to lie or sit in pain in a few hours, I'm excited and looking forward to holding our little treasure in my hands soon. After cleaning myself up, I slowly walk over to Tom and stroke along his arm.*

Y/N: Tommy *I say softly and shake his arm lightly now*

Y/N: Babe wake up

*A low growl comes from him but he slowly opens his eyes and looks at me tiredly

T: What's wrong princess?

Y/N: My water broke.

*I couldn't look that fast myself, he sat up and looks at me worriedly.*

T: Are you in pain? If so, do you have it badly and-

*I had to smirk slightly, but I interrupt him with a kiss. I thought it was cute how he was worried, but he was also happy at the same time, because you could see that in his eyes.*

Y/N: I'm fine, so far that is. I would go change now, then we'll eat something and then we can go.

*That's what we did and the time really flies by. Tom takes care of me even more than usual and he can't get his smile off his lips, but can anyone blame him? I don't think so. In the meantime we are already in the hospital and I notice how the pain is getting stronger and stronger. I just had another contraction, but this time I couldn't hold it together and had to let out a scream.*

T: It's okay baby. I'm here.

*Tom keeps kissing my forehead, but even the nice gestures from him don't make my pain any less. I keep wondering how the body can do all this.

Y/N: Can we walk a little? I think that would make me feel good.

T: Of course.

*Slowly we walk up and down the corridor, you could see through the windows that the sun was slowly rising, again proof that I was passing time quickly but my birthmark was just at 5cm.

T: Do you know how proud I am of you? You are so strong, no matter what situation you try to please everyone and sometimes forget to think of yourself. I am so happy to have you by my side princess.

Y/N: I love you Tom. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.

T: With one small exception

Y/N: Our princess is so lucky to have such a great father.

T: You are going to be a great mother. Together we can do anything.

*This romantic moment was ruined with a strong contraction and I couldn't help but squeeze Tom's hand. I had respect for the birth, but Tom encourages me and that relaxes me a lot. I didn't know what time it was but at that moment I didn't care about the time because I just wanted the pain to stop. Tom was even more worried about me than usual, suddenly he jumps up from the bed and takes my hand.*

T: I'm going to get a doctor

Y/N: Don't leave me alone

T: I' m not long way

*He kisses my forehead and closes the door behind him. Now I was alone, but my thoughts were not only on our birth. How would it go on? I don't want our child to go out in public until she can decide for herself, but with our celebrity this is more difficult than I thought. After ten minutes Tom came back with a doctor and a nurse, his closeness calmed me down and makes my thoughts disappear again.*

D: Hello Ms. Downey, the pain is unbearable I was told

Y/N: It is getting worse by the hour

N: You should be proud of yourself, some women have long since gotten something for the pain

*Says the nurse to me and smiles at me. At that moment I also knew that we had chosen the right hospital - they treat you like a normal person and not like a celebrity on the red carpet.*

A: You read through and signed the papers for the PDA?

T: Yes

A: Then we would put the PDA now.

*Of course, I knew that it can have side effects but at that moment I didn't care because I just wanted to have this pain gone and thanks to the epidural which works like an anesthetic I would only feel slight pain. Fortunately, everything worked as planned and I noticed that after half an hour the pain was hardly there.*

T: Try to get some rest. I will be with you all the time

He gives me a kiss on the forehead, and I fall asleep. I couldn't really sleep, but it was still good to rest.

To be continued

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