Part 42 "supermarket"

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*Tom looks at you with wide eyes, but then starts to grin*

Y/N: So? What do you think of my idea?

T: I love your idea

*He pulls you to him and lifts you up as you wrap your legs around his waist*

T: Next time you tell me in the evening or earlier, because now I can't wait for this day to end

Y/N: Sorry. Next time I'll be a good girl

*Tom pushes you against the wall and looks into your eyes*

Y/N: We should get going babe. Everyone else is here and we haven't prepared anything yet

T: I hate it when you're right

*you give him a quick kiss and Tom sets you back down*

T: What car are we going in?

Y/N: Either we'll go with your car or if you want, with my new car

T: New car?

*You nod to Tom. He suddenly opens the door and sees your new car in front of the door*

 He suddenly opens the door and sees your new car in front of the door*

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T: Holy!

Y/N: Do you like it?

T: This car is awesome! Can I drive it?

Y/N: Of course

*you hand Tom the keys and he gets in. You can't help but look at him. His eyes gleam as if it were his own car. You get in and see him looking at everything*

T: Ok my love, where do you want to be taken?

Y/N: To the nearest supermarket please

*You both start laughing and Tom drives off. He takes your hand and intertwines it in yours*

Y/N: How was Los Angeles honey?

T: It was fantastic. And soon I won't be there for a long time though

*you look at him with wide eyes and don't understand what he means*

T: I'm shooting my first Spiderman movie. You know the procedure

Y/N: Th-That's great. Really great

T: Hey Hey. We can do this! Together

Y/N: Who's playing Mj?

T: The way I heard it Zendaya

*You exhale slightly and take your hand away from Tom. There is an uncomfortable silence in the car until you arrive. You get out as well as Tom. A couple of paparazzi have spotted you and are taking some pictures of you. As you enter the supermarket you see girls looking at you. You wave at them and they start to smile*

T: Do I get to see your beautiful smile too or are you in such a bad mood all the time now?

*he puts his arm around you and puts his fingers to your cheek to look into your eyes*

T: You are the only one for me and even a Zendaya won't change that. Besides, we have a nice day planned today

Y/N: Yes you are right

T: Give me a kiss

*you shake your head*

T: Come on. Give me a kiss princess

Y/N: Alright.

*just before your lips meet, Tom says*

T: Say it. Say you love me

Y/N: I love you

T: There's something missing

Y/N: I love you babe. I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you

*Tom smiles at you and kisses you*

T: You don't need to apologize. You're hot when you're bitchy

*but before you could say anything a little girl stands next to you and looks at Tom*

Little girl: Excuse me? Spiderman. Can I take a picture with you?

T: Of course

*Tom kneels down to the little girl and puts his arm around her, which makes you smile. The girl's mother takes the picture and thanks Tom*

Y/N: Ever thought about having kids of your own?

T: Yes I have, but we can talk about that another time, because we have to go shopping now

*you agree with Tom and together you get all the things you need. You pay for everything and see two guys coming towards you*

S: Hey I'm Steven

L: I'm Luca

Y/N: Hey

S: Can we take a picture with you?

*Tom tenses his muscles slightly which you see*

Y/N: Of course

*You walk up to the guys and take individual photos with both of them. They both put an arm around you and pull you slightly towards them. Tom takes the photos and gives them both a dirty look*

S: Thank you!

Y/N: No problem guys

*You were about to leave when the one boy pulls you back and presses his lips to yours. You quickly realize that someone is pulling him away and pushing him behind*

T: Ok that's enough for me! Did you really just kiss her? What do you think you're doing?

S: Have you looked at her yet buddy? That woman is hot! I would love to see her in my bed

T: You're a pervert! Get out of here before anything worse happens!

S: Oh is the spiderman threatening me?

L: Ey Steve! Enough is enough!

Y/N: Babe, can we please go. I just want to go back

*you look at Tom and see how angry he is*

Y/N: please

T: take your friend and leave

*you take Tom's hand and walk with him to the car and get in*

T: are you ok?

*you just nod your head and notice the memories coming back from that one night lying in that bed*

T: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry

*you cover it all up and smile at him*

T: I would have liked to hit him

Y/N: I know, but you know what I would like to do now?

T: What?

*you pull Tom to you and kiss him. He puts his hand on your cheek*

Y/N: The lips feel better

T: I should have protected you

Y/N: You did, believe me. Now come on. Let's not let guys like this ruin our day. Besides, I'm warm and I'd like to jump in my pool

T: What are we waiting for?

*Tom starts the engine and together you drive to your house*

-I'm sorry that hardly anything came, but I've had so much to do lately. I hope there will be more now-

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