Part 73 "back Home"

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*A few days later we are back home and it feels much better than being in this hospital. Our little darling is finally home. In the days we have been able to settle in well and are slowly getting into the rhythm. It is different with a child, although Elysia is a very calm child so far. Tom and I usually take turns. I knew from the beginning that Tom would be a good father and he is*

T: Honey? Where are you?

*I hear Tom call out as I have just put Elysia to bed. Quietly I walk out of her room and go downstairs to the living room*

Y/N: Here I am. What's up?

T: I want to discuss something with you. Let's go outside for a minute.

*He puts his arm around my waist, so he pulls himself closer*

Y/N: What do you want to talk about? Did something happen?

T: No my dear.

*In the last few days the weather has gotten much better and warmer too. He takes my hand and walks with me to our garden. Together we sit down on the couch we have outside. Immediately he puts his arm around me and looks deep into my eyes*

Y/N: What do you have?

T: I'm very happy y/n and it's all thanks to you.

Y/N: You don't even know how happy I am. You and Elysia are my life.

T: Still, I need to talk to you about something serious darling.

Y/N: You can talk to me about anything, you know that.

*He reaches for my hand and intertwines it with his. These little gestures make my heart beat more and more*

T: It's about Alex

Y/N: What about him?

T: The private detective lost track of him again, we don't know how he did it, but he did it.

*As he tells me this, I feel like my heart stops all at once. Panic breaks out in me because I know exactly what he wants*

Y/N: How long has he been missing?

*His facial expression of more serious, which definitely gives me the thought that he's been gone for more than a few days*

T: For almost a month

Y/N: Why didn't you tell me?

T: Honey. You were heavily pregnant and I didn't want anything to happen before I was pregnant. Elysia and you are the most important things in my life. You are my family and I want you to be safe and as long as we don't know where he is I want you to please not be outside by yourself.

*Of course it's the only right thing to do, but in the long run this can't be a solution either. However, it is no longer entirely a matter of my safety. Our daughter must be protected and for her I would do anything to keep her safe. I easily don't look at Tom and find myself in his arms not even a second later*

Y/N: Elysia is not going to happen, is she?

T: We will do everything to make sure nothing happens to her.

Y/N: I'm scared Tom.

T: I will protect my family with all the power I have.

*He takes my face in his hands and strokes my cheek with his thumb*

T: I love you

Y/N: and I love you

*I kiss him and automatically when his lips touch mine, I have this feeling of security, because I know that Tom will give everything so that we are safe. Slowly I move away from him again and rest my forehead against his*.

Y/N: Soon it will all be over

T: It will.

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