Part 33 "stay with me forever"

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*You look at them both uncertainly and don't know what to say. You know very well that it's the right decision, but is that what you want? You actually want to be done with this and just go on with your life, like you did before this incident*

Y/N: I-I don't know

T: Darling, it's best if we go to the police.

S: You want those disgusting guys to be arrested too

*You're completely overwhelmed with this whole situation and you're starting to panic again thinking so much about everything that's happened*

Y/N: Excuse me for a moment

*You stand up and notice Sam and Tom's eyes on you. You walk out onto the balcony and look up at the Eiffel Tower, which is lit up at night. You notice that someone puts a blanket over your shoulder and gives you a kiss on the back of your head*

T: You don't have to be afraid

*You turn to Tom and he sees that your eyes are all glassy and a tear is streaming down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb and kisses your forehead*

Y/N: I don't want it to get out in the public

T: It won't

Y/N: how do you know? They follow me everywhere these paparazzi

*You hug Tom and put your head against his chest*

T: We won't tell them anything, but you still have to tell one person.

Y/N: I don't want to tell him.

T: Darling, he is your father

Y/N: I don't want to see his hurt look and especially not his angry look

T: I'll come with you if you want to talk to him

*You look up at Tom who is now also looking into your eyes*

Y/N: You would do that?

T: Of course, I love you y/n and I want you to be okay.

*You reach up to kiss Tom, but before that could happen Sam calls out to you*

T: every time there is a beautiful moment you get disturbed

Y/N: come on, he's waiting

*You go in together and sit with Sam. Who looks at you worriedly*

S: you know we are always by your side. No matter what happens

Y/N: I know. Thanks

*you hug Sam and then you start watching the movie. Tom put his arm around you and you lay on his chest. The movie is not even halfway through but you are already asleep.

*Tom's pov

S: Did she agree? *he whispers*

T: She's just afraid that it will get out in the public and then more paparazzi will get attached to her

S: Hm, she will be right about that

T: We just have to keep it a secret as best we can

S: What did I actually miss here while I was gone?

T: Oh um.

*I blush slightly, but at the same time I can't help but think of the beautiful kiss Y/N and I had*

T: I told her how I felt about her.

S: Finally. Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend then?

T: Not yet, because we have to settle the one issue first, but maybe after her performance. Could you possibly help me there to prepare something small?

S: Definitely.

*I talk to Sam a bit more and then take Y/N to her bed. I lay her lightly on her bed and tuck her in. I give her another quick forehead kiss and then go to change. When I go back to her, I slowly and quietly lay down next to her*

Y/N: I was beginning to think you weren't coming back at all *she says tiredly and snuggles up to me*

T: go back to sleep darling

Y/N: please stay with me forever

T: I promise

*She kisses my cheek and right where she kissed me, I feel a tingling sensation that I never had before with anyone. She is such a special girl and for such girls you should fight and I will. With these thoughts, I fall asleep next to Y/n. I couldn't have believed her in my arms a few weeks ago*

 I couldn't have believed her in my arms a few weeks ago*———————————————————————Tom:

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