Part 34 "Nightmare"

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*You have a nightmare in the middle of the night and start to move restlessly in bed. You are walking down the street normally, when all of a sudden a lot of people come up to you*

Person: You are not taking Tom away from us

Person II: Who do you think you are? Lose some weight, the story with the rape you probably just made up, that Tom goes to you

Person III: You don't deserve it. I don't understand how you could become a model

Person IIII: Daddy can't help you now, like every time

*There are more and more coming towards you and you feel cramped and you feel like you can't breathe anymore*

*You startle and look around at where you are. Tom is sleeping next to you because you but woken up by your back like did*

T: Darling? What's wrong?

*Tom hugs you and then looks at you worriedly. You are sweating and breathing fast*

T: Y/N, calm down. What happened?

Y/N: It was just a nightmare

T: Come here

*Tom lies back in bed and pulls you into his arms. Tom's calm breathing and moving his chest, brings you to rest. He goes to your back with his fingers stroking it in a circular motion*

T: You are safe here

*tom is the only one who can calm you down in such situations. After a few minutes you fall asleep again*

Next morning

*you wake up because someone is playing with your hair*

T: good morning Sunshine

Y/N: good morning

*you lay your head on Tom his torso as he continues to go through your hair*

T: Darling you have to get up slowly

Y/N: But I don't want to

*you put your head on Tom's neck and lie on him now. He gives you a kiss on the side of your forehead which makes you smile*

T: But you have your big gig today and we still have to go to the police station

Y/N: 5 more minutes

T: Alright Sunshine

*you cuddle with Tom for 5 more minutes until he carries you out of bed and puts you in the bathroom*

T: I'm going to go change real quick too. Get ready. Then we'll go have breakfast and after that we'll go to the police station

*you look at the floor, but Tom lifts your chin and looks you in the eyes*

T: Where did that smile go that I love so much?

Y/N: Make me

T: Love to Sunshine

*Tom moves closer to you and puts his hand to your cheek. You kiss and you both have to smile. As you pull away, you can't help but smile*

T: At least now I know how to make you smile

Y/N: Then I guess I will have to look sad more often

*you turn around and close the door in Tom's face. He shakes his head and hears you squeal loudly for a second. You still can't believe that Tom is really in love with you*

*After half an hour you come out freshly showered and with new clothes. You don't put on makeup, because you will be made up later. There is a knock at the door. You grab your bag and open the door. Tom and Sam are standing in front of you, both smiling at you*

S: Can we get going?

Y/N: Yes

*You close the door behind you and notice that Tom is looking at you the whole time*

Y/N: If you keep looking like that, your eyes are going to fall out Tommy

T: With a beauty like that, you can only marvel Darling.

*He kisses your cheek and takes your hand. You go to the restaurant, which is in the hotel. You can't eat much because Victoria Secret has some very important rules. Just as you were about to start eating, your cell phone rings. You look up and it's Emilia*

Y/N: Hey Emi

E: Agh! You know you're not supposed to call me that!

Y/N: I know, what's up?

E: I wanted to remind you 2pm on the dot to be there!

Y/N: I will, I promise

E: Good. And what are you going to do today?

Y/N: Oh um, I got two guests.

E: Oh really? Like who?

Y/N: Um Sam and Tom


Y/N: I'll tell you everything when you get there.

E: Well I hope so

*you laugh and automatically have to look at Tom. Who also smiles at you*
Your Outfit:

 Who also smiles at you*———————————————————————Your Outfit:

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