Chapter one

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Hello my name is Via and this is the story of how I was claimed by a dragon. Ok stop laughing seriously I'm married to a dragon shifter.
This all happened after the Solar Flare event that switched up the poles and flipped the earth's axis. You know the one that wiped out most of the human race. If you dont know you can come out from under your rock now. Anyway so yeah after that happened the other species came out of hiding. From what I had heard before there are: dragon shifters (obviously), werewolves, merpeople, and other types of shifters (I think I'm not sure).
My husband says there's more but we keep to our lands mostly so unless they are dumb enough to try to challenge him (I hope not) I don't see many people.
My husband's name it Darius Hellflame, he said he got that last name because his flames were hotter than hell even to other dragons. That's right I'm married to a badass, did I mention he's good looking, can cook, loving, funny, handy, and so much more? Well he is, I dont know what I did to deserve such an amazing mate but I'm thankful for him being in my life.
Interesting fact about dragon shifters, they live for a long time, no they're not immortal but they are very hard to hurt and like I said live for a long time. When we completed the mating process I became a lot harder to hurt than I was before and my lifespan is also longer than before meaning I also age slower.
Before we mated Darius was always worried I would be harmed in some way or taken from him. He told me about the nightmares it gave him, so before we mated I agreed to live with him and leave the town I grew up in behind. Living on our land at first was a difficult change, since we live out in the middle of nowhere. Over time I grew to love our lands, it makes us feel free to not have to worry about anyone hurting us.
Before I met Darius I had never met any of the other species. Yes I knew they existed, I mean who doesn't? But like I said I hadn't ever ran into any myself. A girl I knew from school ended up being the mate to a werewolf and they now are mated, married, and the proud parents to four children. I haven't seen them since I moved to our home but we talk or text often.
I also know for a fact merpeople exist because my twin cousins (Eric and Michelle) found mates among them. You're probably wondering "well how the hell does that work?" Don't worry I said the same thing! And they both said their respective mates have you know, anyway they just come ashore when they are feeling frisky! if you know what I mean (wiggling eyebrows). Or they can make special rooms in their houses for that.
You may also be wondering how in the hell do your cousins breathe underwater if y'all are human? Well Eric's mate Ivona said that when they completed their mating process it changed them like how I was. That way we are able to be with our mates, we complete them and without us they would slowly lose themselves and become feral beasts till one of their own kind put them down. The only hope they would have is if they had children or they found another mate. Finding mates is hard to begin with, most go, most if not all their lives without ever meeting a mate. So those that do, charish their mate and are very protective. It doesn't matter if they are male or female its ingrained to protect one's mate.

I guess I should start at the beginning, ok so I was born and raised in a human city. I'm an average woman, five three, pale skin, dark hair, with brown eyes. I just turned twenty two last week, and before you ask I have no family name, I was told that they couldn't keep me whoever they were. I was raised by the blue rose orphanage, so they named my Via BlueRose. The lady who saw to me was Levia Moor, and that's how I got my name.
When I aged out they gave me a necklace with a bluerose so that I would always remember my beginning. Then I was on my own, I worked at a used book store part time and a coffee shop, while I took college classes. I stayed with a friend I worked with because she hated living alone after her husband died. She wouldn't even let me pay for anything, so I would cook and bake for us so she wouldn't have to.
I just graduated two days ago, I now have a bachelor's degree in general studies into post flare world studies.
Maggie, my friend was over the moon for me.
Sadly the job I applied for passed me by for someone else "more qualified" really it was the boss's son who would always slack off in school and make me do our joint work alone. So with that in mind I left, I'm better off if that's who they want and went for a coffee.
I just opened the door with a blast of fresh coffee scent, I enter my favorite coffee shop. I place my order and look for a spot to sit. Sitting alone in the corner I wait for my coffee. As I'm waiting I text Maggie to tell her I didn't get the job, but not to worry I have a feeling it's for the best.
My name is called and I make my way to my coffee, as I reach the front I hear the bell on the door but focus on my coffee.
Grabbing it I turn to leave and end up running into a hard chest, DONT WORRY! my coffee was fine.
I look up to say "sorry about that" when I look into the most beautiful whiskey colored eyes I have ever seen. I was so distracted I didn't even notice he moved us away from the counter at first.
"Hello my beautiful mate, I'm Darius Hellflame what is your name?" He says.
"Huh?" I think I forgot how to speak properly but he doesnt seem to mind.
"Wait did he say mate?" Holy crap hes not human, I hope he doesnt care that I am.

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