Chapter nine

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We get to my home and I pull out the Chinese food menu.  I order my gyoza and chow mein, and Darius orders three orders of orange chicken, eight egg rolls, five cartons of fried rice, two broccoli and beef, and two sweet and spicy shrimp.

"I can burn calories quickly," he says  softly like hes embarrassed about it.

"I wish I could do that," I say wistfully and he let's out a relieved laugh.

"I thought you would feel weird about it," he confessed.

"Are you kidding that's like everyone who loves food dream!" I exclaim.

His deep belly laugh makes me smile, I love it and his smile makes me want to melt into a boneless puddle on the floor.  I wonder if I will ever get used to that and kinda hope I dont.

"Oh can I do that too after we mate?" I ask excited.

"Sorry no I don't think so," he says.

"Ok I'll just have to exercise then so I dont get fat," I sigh.

He laughs and hugs me, "I could always help you stay fit," he whispers into my ear.

Holy shit my underwear just dissolved, leaning back I fan myself, "is it hot in here?"

Darius laughs again, "nope just you maybe you should remove some layers."

He's looking at me with that killer look again but then the door bell rings and I scramble to answer it.

It has to be shifter reflexes, yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it, I think as I end up tangled in my own two feet as Darius answers the door.  I dont even know how I managed it get myself stuck under the coffee table.

"Thanks have a good night," Darius tells the delivery guy and then comes in with our food.

"Good your sitting at a table already," he says with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes I let him arrange the food out on the table and we get to eating.

He shares some of his food and I let him have some of mine, before I know it I'm stuffed.  Darius on the other hand keeps eating his food making short work of it.

After hes done he seems embarrassed by it again, "God I wish I could eat like you! Just think I could have taken all of your orange chicken," I wink at him and he cracks up laughing again.

"Have I told you you have an amazing laugh? You need to do it more often," I say with a smile and his eyes sparkle at me.

"You think so?" He smirks.

Crawling towards him I sit on his lap, making me blush and him focus on me very intently.  "I know so," I say softly, then were kissing.

He licks my bottom lip and I open up to him as if by instinct.  Mind you I've never done this before but soon my tongue is dancing with his.

My hands have a mind of their own as they end up barried it his amazingly soft hair.

He hums in approval I think as he pulls my hips closer.  I'm now straddling him with my lower half molded to his.

I can't help the moan I let out even though its embarrassing as hell, but hes a.. his know! Hes hitting me with a big ass hard rod ok.  Oh my God that's embarrassing to say or even think but somehow exciting to feel.

Sadly or fortunately, I'm not sure yet, we are interrupted by the front door opening.  Hopping up really quick I turn to face Maggie.

"My my someone looks like they got caught stealing from the cookie jar," she smirks at me the looks at Darius and says, "and someone else looks like the cat that got the cream, please dont let me stop you, dont worry I got earplugs," she says winking at us then heads for her room.

OMFG! I think I just died of embarrassment but behind me Darius is dieing from laughter.

"Oh my God your roommate is too much," he gasps for air.

I find myself smiling at him and I shake my head to clear it.  Sobered up from that exchange I clear up our mess.

"Here," Darius holds out a fortune cookie for me and I open it.

"Happiness awaits you, you just have to go for it"

Wow if that's not a sign I dont know what is.

"I better get going," Darius says sadly but I stop him.

"Remember you're staying with me," I ask.  "Unless you dont want to," I start to pull back but he grabs me and pulls me closer.

"Ok but you should wear something that covers all of you just in case," he say in a husky voice and I feel heat pooling inside me.

"Ok," I can barely hear my own voice over my heart beat.

Holy shit I'm spending the night with a ridiculously handsome man who has made it known he wants to make me his in all ways.  Lord give my heart the strength it needs to endure!

After we through out our trash I take Darius' hand and lead him to my room.  My space isnt very big but its clean and uncluttered.  I mean yes I have a bookcase full of books but who doesnt like to read?

He views my books as I change for bed.  I pull on a pair of soft blue pajama pants and a soft cream colored long sleeved shirt.  I brush out my hair, wash my face, and brush my teeth.

Walking back in I see he has stripped to his boxers and his undershirt.  Have I mentioned how mouthwatering he is? Yeah that's when he had more clothes on, I think he just short-circuited my brain.

He smirks at me and pulls me to the bed, "you know it's easier to touch me if you're closer."

What? Did I say something out loud like that or is he teasing me??

"Come on let's sleep," he says pulling me into my bed and I curl up next to him.  "Goodnight Via my love," he whispers then kisses my head.

Kissing over his heart I hear a satisfying hum, "goodnight."

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