Chapter seven

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Now I know what true love looks like, and I'm melting in my seat. Darius makes it hard to focus on anything else, when he looks at me like that, it's like we are the only ones around even though I know that's not the case. Taking my eyes off him is exceedingly difficult but I somehow manage.
"Where is it you guys live? Can you tell me more about yourselves? Please?" I find I really just feel the need to connect to my family, yes I have Maggie and Darius but I'm not opposed to having more.
Michelle starts telling me stories of when they were little, before they knew of my existence.
"...Ok so we were supposed to be cleaning up, but I dont know how he even came up with such a goofy idea, but he grabbed the slime we made the week before and was trying to use the fan to make bubbles with it..."
"I got the idea from a friend... he said he tried it and it worked," Eric says miffed making us laugh.
"Anyways he sticks the slime on the out side of the fan and turns it on full blast, we ended up grounded for a month because it took us that long to clean it all," Michelle says laughing.
"Oh my gosh..stop my stomach hurts from laughing so much," I say wiping tears from my eyes.
Darius has a heart stopping smile on his face, he leans into me and whispers in my ear, "I love your laughter and your smile, you should always be happy and I will do my best to make it so you will be."
Blushing I turn to him and whisper into his ear, "we'll make each other happy." Leaning back I give him a smile and take his hand into both of mine, the man has huge hands.
He links our fingers together and I love the way it feels. I know it's not going to be long that I let him take me with him but I'm just not ready to leave Maggie.
"I'm hungry.. who's hungry?" Maggie asks.
I laugh, because as soon as she says it my stomach growls, "great timing as usual Mags."
She smiles and my cousins ( I have cousins! *girly squeal*) say that they could eat, Darius nods and then we're all debating what to get, Maggie wants thai, Darius wants burgers, the twins want pizza, and I could go for Chinese. So naturally we decided to go with Mexican food.
"There's this great restaurant just down the street called "La Fonda" they have fried icecream that's so delicious!" She gushes.
"How do you fry icecream?" Eric asks puzzled.
"Oh I dont I just eat it! Hahaha!" Maggie cracks herself up.
"I dont know but its really good," I smile as we start heading out.
Darius holds my hand and makes sure I'm not next to traffic.
"Is there such a thing as dragon cuisine, or like dishes that ate from your culture?" I ask curiously.
"Not really we had to blend in so I'm not really sure if there was ever such a thing but my mom used to make this one really good dish it was like French onion soup but over pasta. My dad loved French onion soup and she loved pasta, two for one." He says chuckling, he has a boyish quality to him when he mentions his parents. I can totally picture how he was back then, carefree.
"They sound so nice," I smile and he nods.
"They were great, but they had their moments just like anyone else. My dad was very strict when it came to training, and he occasionally had a short fuse. My mom was a spite fire when she was riled up, they were fiercely protective and amazing loyal. They were my best friends, sadly my mother was unable to give me any siblings, before they died. Even though I was still just a child I remember that much at least." His voice drifts off at the end and I squeeze his hand to comfort him.
He pulls me closer so that I'm tucked against him as we walk to the front of the restaurant.
"Ready to eat?" He smiles at me and I nod.
Walking into the restaurant its filled with people talking enjoying their meals and music. We walk up to the hostess and ask for a table of five.
Grabbing menus she turns, "follow me please," she says and leads us to a table.
We take our seats and order our drinks, I order Jamaica, Darius has never had it so he decides to try it out. Maggie gets tea, and the twins get soda.
"What are you thinking of getting?" Darius asks leaning in to look at my menu with me.
"I dont know yet I'm kinda torn between a few things but I'm starting with fried icecream with chocolate on top, then I want the chicken tortilla soup instead of having a salad. Then that's where I'm stuck between enchiladas and chimichangas. What about you?" I peek at him.
"Same for the first two things you said but then I want the chili rellenos," he says making an I'm hungry face.
When our waiter comes Maggie starts shamelessly flirting with him, I cant help the giggles that escape me at the blush the poor guy gets. The twins are also having a hard time not laughing. After we order our food he rushes off to put it in.
"That's the fastest way to get your food I'm telling you, just a bit of flirting goes a long way," Maggie says winking and we all crack up laughing. Even Darius does and he has managed to keep a strait face till now.
"How hard did you try not laughing?" I whisper to him.
"Her flirtation skills are interesting but the fact she uses them to get her food faster is hilarious," he whispers back.
"You two are just too cute," looking up I see Maggie staring at us and I blush.
"Maybe I should look for a mate too!" Maggie says and then starts laughing making us smile at her.
"Hey you never know there could be a grandpa aged guy out there seeking a mate," I wink at her and she laughs so hard she leaves for the bathroom.
While shes gone wouldn't you know it her food comes.

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