Chapter thirty three

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Maggie and I brought out clean towels and warm water to clean up Janice to see just how bad her injuries were. Luckily she only has minor cuts and bruises from what I can see. So that leaves the question? Whose blood is it because her clothes were soaked in it?

She still hasn't woken up yet though so we still have to wait to find out. In the mean time Maggie brought out a clean shift like dress to put on her.

"The doctor is here," Darius says leading her in with Henry bringing up the rear.

"Via can you give me the clothes she had on so that we can see if we can track the scents on them?" Henry asks and I hand over the bag I put them in.

Darius had told us to hang on to them when we changed her, before going outside to keep watch.

"Let's see what I can do for my new sister in law." The doc says checking over Janice carefully while the guys head out again. Maggie and I wait anxiously for the doctor to finish her exam. "I'm going to wake her up using smelling salts to see if she can tell us what happened. Then she should drink some water, she a little bit dehydrated." She says.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"Subtle signs and I also have a Goddess giving gift to help me figure this stuff out. But it doesn't work on everyone, mostly just people connected to the pack link. It kinda works for Dare, but it's not really too helpful with him." She says shrugging while looking in her bag.

"Will my daughter be ok?" Maggie asks holding my hand tightly.

"Physically speaking she seems sound, but we won't know how much other damage they caused. Ok here we go," she says waving the salts a little.

"Malik!" Janice yells reaching out. She looks around disoriented then tears fill her eyes. She let's out a sob and Maggie rushes to her.

"Janice... I'm Tori, Malik is my older brother. Can you tell me what happened to you two?" She asks quietly.

"We... *sniff* ...we mated last night, then we.. we were ..the two of them came out of nowhere and shot him." Janice says and Tori interrupts for a second.

"Did you see who they were?"

"It was too dark and I think they had something on their faces. Mel grabbed me and ran after that but they... shot some kind of hook thing through his leg. He told me to run in this direction that way I could get away. I didn't want to go but he kissed me and begged me to run. Oh God.. what if they killed him?" she sobs and her wobbly voice rises.

"He's not dead we would feel it if he was, you would know without a doubt that he was gone," Tori says gently taking Janice's hand. "My brother is alive and you did the right thing, he would die if you had died. Our mates give us the strength to go on when all seems lost. If we lose them, life has little meaning to us. The only way we could continue on is if we have young to care for."

"But .. there was so much blood," she has tears falling down her cheeks.

"He is strong, he will hold on for you. Stay positive we're going to get him back." Tori says strongly and I can see the resolve steeling in Janice.

The door opens and Darius comes in, "We got a trail we're bringing Mel home, babe I want you to go to the pack house with Tori and the others." He says coming to me.

"Come back to us," I say holding my little belly.

"Always" he says kissing me.

"Let's get moving," Tori says and we all head out to her trailblazer.

As soon as we were buckled in she floored it, "we dont know if they are going to come after us, we have to be quick." Tori says while continuously looking around as much as shes able to.

"We're almost there," she says just as some guy jumps out from behind a tree and shoots at us.


I'm not sure who yelled it first but the splash of blood that just splattered against the windshield has me screaming.

Creepy Stalker POV

That worthless idiot lost the mate. He had one job! The girl he was so focused on getting back got away too, but that worked in my favor.

It got them to split up, and my Via is now going to be easier to obtain.

It's been a pain in the ass trying to get through all the MUTTS running around.

Nows my chance, I told useless to find the mutt we had caught that he let escape when he went to take a nap.

If he gets mauled by them so be it, I wont have to keep hearing him bitch about how he's gonna "win" his girl back. Or how he wants to kill the dog for tainting her body but is too scared to follow through.

The sooner he dies the better I say.

I figured that they would send Via to the dog's house

So I'm waiting for my moment to take out the driver. I'm so excited that my hands are sweaty.

Here they come!

Jumping out from behind the tree I have been waiting behind I take my aim and shoot.

I got a hit but the bitch keeps going, if I take out the tires theres a good chance that the vehicle could flip and hurt Via.

Decisions, decisions...

Here goes nothing!

I take out the back right tire, then the left in quick succession hopeing to keep the vehicle from flipping.

Then I hit the front right and they crash into the trees.

Running towards the vehicle I go to claim my prize, they can keep the trash. Via is all I want and now she will be mine!

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